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As Susan Trombetti, relationship expert and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking, tells Bustle, Your partner may seek out their ex's opinion and validation first showing that they are not fully over them.. For 4 years I haven't posted any picture of myself online. 11 Signs Your Boyfriend Isn't Interested In You Sexually Anymore Now that is more specific and there wouldn't be no question to anyone who he is in a relationship with. Everyone knows a couple pic on the main feed is more serious than a casual IG Story mention. If your partner is constantly finding ways to bring up their ex in your conversations, they may still be hung up on them. By this I mean he does not send text messages to say good morning anymore, he calls sometimes, but never to just say "Hi, I am thinking of you"; it . Its not a bad thing for your SO to not intuitively understand why youre craving more social media love. Tell him that you'll respect that. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hi everyone! Have no idea, tho. In any relationship, there are times when one partner takes more than gives; equal and perfect reciprocity can. A male reader, WiseOwlE + , writes (1 April 2020): Bikinis reveal a lot of skin. What is wrong with a man that shows no affection - Relationship Talk To post about your SO or not to post: That is the question. And try to. Rather than counting the number of dates as a barometer to correct behavior, ask your date directly. If Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend Never Posts Pictures Of You On It comes down to clear communication and respecting each others boundaries, which is admittedly easier said than done. Instead of focusing solely on the lack of social media posts, center the conversation on how it makes you feel, aka insecure in your relationship. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is a little weird he hasn't removed his ex's pictures though, I'll give you that. But really, who are they? This seems like a space where you have fun and are mostly comfortable. Yeah, it would be NICE if he posted a picture of both of us, just to validate he is with someone, but ok, maybe he is trying to keep his personal life personalhowever he DID have his other two exs (one girlfriend and the other an ex fiance) up at one time. Call me reckless but I'm just not sure I want to be leaning against my boyfriend's shoulder, enjoying a particularly romantic sunset, then all of a sudden think, There are plenty of people who feel differently of course and Cheryl says it all comes down to our individual '. He won't or he doesn't. At the end of the day, as much as you might want the crowning glory of your social circles' #RelationshipGoals, it's your compatibility with your SO offline that truly counts.