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Humans have always been fascinated with the stories of demons, as it gives them chills down the spine. Kmdva was the God of human desire. 2) Asmodeus. So, without further waffle, lets take a look at some of the strangest types of demons from folklore around the world. 48. The story behind Mephistopheles is that he, too, once made a deal with the devil. That is not to say they are nicer or worse in character. TheCoolist is a mood board for your headspace. It would seem that love is the fuel that drives this demon onwards. Etruscan, Wiyohiyanpa, god of the east winds who oversees beginnings and events of the day. Classifications might be according to astrological connections, elemental forms, noble titles, or parallels to the angelic hierarchy; or by association with particular sins, diseases, and other calamities; or by what angel or saint opposes them. 10 Divine Weapons Of The Gods - Ancient Pages Most Dangerous Weapons In Mythology - Grunge 10 Horrifying Demons and Spirits from Japanese Folklore - Mental Floss Eventually, a great war ensued, and Bhandasura was overwhelmed and killed. Merely that they have so different as to no longer be comparable. De Plancy presented a hierarchy of demons based in modern European courts: Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier used some of these names and ranks for the demons who tormented him, in his autobiographical work Les farfadets ou Tous les dmons ne sont pas de l'autre monde (1821). Everybody must endure a number of punishments equating to the life they lived before being allowed to be reborn into a new life. However, the powerful call of the almighty dollar is strong, and it is easy to fall prey to the maniacal whisperings of Mammon. Bad Ash, This is one of the most well-known demon names which appears in the Evil Dead films. This name appears in the movie series Ghoulies. This final rejection is too much for the samurai to accept, and he kills the girl. The Dullahan calls out a name, summoning the soul of his victim, who promptly drops down dead. He is widely considered as the second in command to Lucifer himself. Paimon: This is one of the best demon names from the 2018 hit horror film Hereditary. Now you will never run out of demon names to give to your favourite gaming character. Some people often ask, whether demons have a soul or not. Top Ten: Most Terrifying Monsters Of Greek Mythology