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The Infiniti spot with the screeching musical instruments mauling "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". R134-Is that the stupid one where she can't sleep? This ad is awful all around. Not only dont I want people to invade my space like that, I dont like my clothes to smell like the chemical version of a spring day or clean, fresh scent. Clothes shouldnt smell period. Boy was he idealistic. ", not realizing that George is the fox. The whistling of dont worry be happy irritates me to no end. Azo feminine pills. The Progressive Dr. Rick and his misfits "going to the movies" spot in cringe-worthy, especially when he tells the woman two seats away not to applaud at the end of the film because "no one who made the movie is here". document.querySelector('#copyright-year').innerText = yearrange + "" + currentyear; Cookie Notice It made us nod our heads, or disagree, but always laugh. There's an ad for some kind of "period underwear" where the girl's grandma says, "Back when I was young, we put a man on the moon but for 35 years I had to fish around for a string in my butt crack." Then she plays a record. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. THEY IS ONLY 11% OF THE POPULATION. Please help me Jesus The commercial with the hyper suburban frau saying her butt crack smells fresh all day after using this god only knows butt crack freshener. You should be pleased! The cartoon was a parody of Steinbeck's story "Of Mice and Men" -- I always thought it was mean to make fun of such a tragic tale, but I still can't help laughing at it. With Lives. We dropped the international, because some of us are writing books that take place squarely in the U.S. Were trying to let people know that the Rogue Women write kick-ass books, but thats not all we do (hence, the With Lives.) Obviously, the goal is that if you see Rogue Women, youll identify us with good books. And the music is beautiful. Weight loss ad (Spotify) So I havent gotten Spotify premium yet and we can all agree some ads on there are annoying and repetitive, but the one that I hate the most is this one about somebody getting surgery done because she hates how she looks with her weight, she claims to go in there with a "vote of confidence" and then after that she said . The worst thing about the Ukranian Jews commercial is that it's FIVE FUCKING MINUTES LONG. No need to shower; just apply and go! I gagged in disgust. This website uses cookies to improve functionality and performance. I am NOT kidding. The GMC pick up truck where the man smacks his friends hand before he touches his trucks command center with his Cheetos covered fingers. cycloner29 Well-Known Member . Who the fuck In programming gave the go to air this grotesque commercial? R10, the commercial is driving me MAD!!!! Who the fuck In programming gave the go to air this grotesque commercial? R138 Thoshe commercialsh are my favoritesh! It's the Christian duty to help the Jews they say, Jews far away in other lands.