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. Venus In 11th House - Marriage, Love, Appearance & Career Moon in the 1st house represents wealth, love, and feminine traits. An oriental planet is one in the 10th, 11th,12th, 4th, 5th and6thhouse of the chart. As per personalised predictions, you might face a hard time with other people having a problem with your over-expressive nature. The spouse of Natives with weak or badly-placed Moon in 1st house might suddenly die, leaving the natives bereft and mourning. You will receive this via email within 72 hours latest would be early Tuesday, but, I should be able to get it done sooner for you. The conjunction of the first house and Venus is enlightening. As per. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. A strong Moon in this house of self will make the natives invincible. They will fall in love immensely, but it might also cause them trouble because they will be emotionally sensitive and nave. I have found over the years of looking at charts there are some placements that can delay, prevent or outright deny marriage. Moon and Venus Conjunction -Venus is all about love,relationship,marriage,art,music,painting,acting, directing or any kind of creative talent . I also have venus in 5th house alone, no other planets there. Thanks again for visiting the site and reading the article! Buy the Remedial Solution for Wealth Report. Venus in first house symbolism Venus, named after the Goddess of Love, is often referred to as the planet of beauty, style, and amiability. Having your 7th house of marriage empty (meaning there are no planets or luminaries in it) has NO bearing whatsoever on whether you would marry or not. Venus in the 1st house woman is delicate. Developing serious conditions such as bipolar disorder is also a possibility. Venus In 1st House/ Ascendant/ Lagna Love, Career, Marriage Effects When they come together, it is a wondrous combination of two positive energies. You will attract love partners, or you will strengthen your romantic bond with your spouse. Venus In Different Houses | Know About 1st To 12th Houses - Mahadasha Many can have marriage indicators going on in their chart: one example would be when progressed or directed Sun or Venus make an aspect to each other. What are the indicators, and what will be activated at the time you get married again? Thus, their combination can make one do good in areas like marriage and domestic life. Again, she had a lot of activity that brought forth her 7thhouse ruler, as well as Venus, her ascendant ruler: I dont want to go into her Solar Return for that year, but, it is also interesting to note that she had her natal Mars conjunct her solar return 7thhouse cusp!