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IMTH3H["]T+A"Dn2kk7Hj\'UmiF^cEmDmMe y>0 OA For additional information contact the City of Mobile, Revenue Department at (251) 208-7462.,, Mobile County 25-31. The City Council meets every Tuesday and applications have to be received before 2:00 p.m. Again, though, if you THOROUGHLY read the law, Animal Control's purpose is not for "noise control" but rather if there are dogs running loose - then that's when Animal Control can step in. Environmental Enforcement : Mobile County Q: Where do I request City services (non-emergency)? Development And Zoning : Mobile County View contact information throughout Mobile County in our County Directory. p^ g- 'RA\On<7>.&'M~Np On January 12, 1981, the County Commission adopted a resolutionthat set the codes for the unincorporated Mobile County under the authority granted by Section 41-9-166 of the Code of Alabama, 1975. Code of Ordinances | Los Angeles County, CA | Municode Library Quick Access to online services throughout Mobile County. damage at the time of initial construction, Control the alteration City Clerk : City of Mobile - Mobile, Alabama ;p.8}8t80>S~:[>W=}hj{(PPP7BZ\%W$NmLMh')1 -@ACW!x.g - Definitions. This Ordinance shall apply to and be enforced in all unincorporated areas of Mobile County and the police jurisdiction of any municipality which has contracted with the County Commission for enforcement of this Ordinance. The City Council has over 40 boards. Section 11-24-1 of the Alabama Code, as part of the definition of "SUBDIVISION," goes on to delineate development as such: "Development includes, but is not limited to, the design work of lot layout, the construction of drainage structures, the construction of buildings or public use areas, the planning and . Environmental Enforcement removes deceased dogs, cats, coyotes, deer and wild game from County rights of way and requests pet owners to be responsible for the removalof their deceased pets or livestock from the rights of way. Animal control is not going to do a thing about a dog that is barking during the day unless there are some other circumstances present that cause them to intervene, such as the dog's living conditions or health. Editor's note Ord. 1999-2023 City of Mobile, All Rights Reserved PDF Sec. 39-96. - Noise generally. may increase flood hazards to other lands. Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday 6:00 AM - 4:30 PM Closed: On designated County/State/Federal Holidays Note**** During closed hours, an Environmental Enforcement Officer is on Stand-by-Duty to respond to any emergency calls. In fact, I have called animal control on a neighbor before because they left their animals out at all hours.