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That is why we are your one stop shop for industrial supplies. Public Auction . July 9, 2011 MO, var EXlogin='toolguy' // Login ">Promote Your Page Too 4835 Central School Road, *O'fallon/Saint Louis, Missouri* TOOL AUCTION - Name Brand Power Tools DEWALT MILWAUKEE RIGID RYOBI Hand Tools Hardware Supplies and much more! Our move to all-online auctions with offerings posted throughout the year makes it easier and more convenient for many people to see, bid on, and buy items offered by the Department, said MDC General Services Supervisor Jeff Arnold, who coordinates the Departments auction activities. Tool Auctions: BPI Auctions 3258482. THIS AUCTION IS OUT OF ST LOUIS AREA WE ARE UNABLE TO SHIP ITEMS BACK AND FORTH AT THIS TIME WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BIDDER MIS-BIDDING REFUNDS WILL NOT BE ISSUED ON MIS-BIDS OR BUYERS REMORSE. Humboldt, IA 50548 party promotions, as well as product and/or service information, including that of third parties, that 2846 Highway 179 consent to Glacier Farm Media LP, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates, and carrying on from three additional collections. Add to calendar. EXs=screen;EXw=EXs.width;navigator.appName!="Netscape"? Here It Is! July 26, 2014, 9:30AM We offer several tools for sale at every auction, and we get bids from people looking to take . We have gone to an online scheduled pick up only. ROTARY & SURFACE GRINDERS CNC VERT. if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} Providingyouwithasinglelocationtoget detailsaboutlocalauctions-goprepared! September 10, 2011 Don Peterson & Associates | Missouri Valley, IA. At Missouri Tools we relize that local inventory is essential.