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All things being equal, it is better to err on the side of too much rather than too little force. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield. Interventionism The Use and Abuse of Military Force - Brookings An argument in favour of humanitarian intervention is that using military force against armies and groups preventing humanitarian access can allow aid to be delivered to people. Humanitarian interventions have occurred throughout history. Punitive interventions are in many ways the opposite: they lack any clear purpose or linkage, and their principal advantage is that the attacking side retains the initiative in that only it decides when it is satisfied. Decisiveness is almost always preferable to gradualism. The Pros And Cons Of Military Intervention Military Interventions like those in Ukraine, Iraq, Yemen and Syria is the invasion of another countrys army to suppress the chaos in a particular country. He blogs at It also acts as some way that regimes and groups that do carry out atrocities can be held accountable. Carrying out more than one kind of intervention in the same place at the same time can invite trouble. Many humanitarian interventions are followed by an increase in violence. In some cases, the military may be seen as an occupying force, which can fuel resistance and breed resentment among local populations. student. In the early years of the U.S., interventionism was used as a tool to assert the new nation's sovereignty when disputes arose with other nations. The Pros And Cons Of Military Intervention Against ISIS One of the most notorious cases is the Rwandan Genocide which took place in 1994 (Schimmel, 2011). There were many American interventions that affected the nation, including the Mexican-American War, the Vietnam War, the Spanish-American War, several conflicts from the Cold War, and the war on terror. An argument in favour of humanitarian interventions is that they remove unjust and repressive regimes from power. WebThe main aim of a humanitarian intervention is to use military force to stop human rights abuses and atrocities. must. Cohen, J. By taking military action against the perpetrators, humanitarian interventions can end such atrocities. At the White House, Doran helped devise and coordinate national strategies on a variety of Middle East issues, including Arab-Israeli relations and the containment of Iran. Regardless, the U.S. deployment may have had an impact on the countrys subsequent behavior by letting China know that any military move against Taiwan would likely be contested by the United States.