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For recreation and relaxation, it includes a basketball court, a swimming pool, a dining room, a student lounge with an exercise room and many flowers, trees and grassy areas. Principal Fasman Yehsiva High School Sep 1982 - Aug 1985 3 years. She also lectures at the Michlalah-Jerusalem College. He served as a secondary school principal (grades 7-12) for 17 years. Machal provides a Torah-growth experience that focuses on personal commitment to a Torah life, through in-depth Torah Study and the opportunity for guided mentoring from Machal's superb staff. The students benefit from her easygoing nature and warmth, and jsut love schmoozing with her during their meetings or any time of the day. Rabbi Kassorla is the former director of the Halachic Guidance program in Kollel Torat Chaim in Jerusalem. Mrs. Tova Sherr grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland. She, therefore, pursued multiple teaching opportunities in Shulamith School for Girls in Brooklyn, Rebbetzin Aviva Feiners Machon Basya Rochel, Sharfmans Seminary, and of course Tomer Devorah. and it was with this dictum in mind that the Michlalah campus was designed. After attending Michlalah Seminary for two years, she switched to the Israeli program (Michlalah Jerusalem College) majoring in education and Jewish Studies, and has been in Israel ever since. Since its inception, Michlalah has graduated more than 15,000 students, many of whom are in positions of education, research and leadership throughout Israel and the world. All Rights Reserved. I worked for the NYC Board of Education for 15 years as an inner-city classroom teacher, teaching grades 4, 5, 7, and 8. She resides in Yerushalayim with her husband, Rosh Yeshiva of Shapells/Yeshiva Darch Noam, and their children. Mrs. Yudin, a Machal alumna, was a mechanechet in SKA High School in NY for a number of years before making Aliyah in 2008 and joining the Machal faculty.