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Are there places where Michigan should consider not allowing offshore turbines? Tennessee Meanwhile, three members of the Casnovia Township Board of Trustees are now facing recall attempts based on their votes to approve the permit. "And I think there's hard feelings for some people.. The author grants permission MSUs actions come as developers seek to cash in on a mandate imposed by the Legislature in 2016, which has led to conflicts in Michigan communities targeted for wind farm development. Residents who live near the $250 million plant began complaining of health problems shortly after the Another stipulation required AEP to install ice mitigation systems on each turbine. The federal Business Energy Investment Tax Credit is available instead of the PTC. The Michigan State University Extension Service pulled from its website a model zoning ordinance for wind energy developments after industry executives and lobbyists complained that its safety standards would impede wind farm development. In May, voters in A solution is not to build turbines in popular migratory paths. Opposers say it's not far enough, with those in support saying more restrictive distances would eliminate turbines all together from areas in West Michigan. Kritzman said he will be paid a one-time fee of $15 per acre of land he owns. WIND Maine Finland | One local government official suspects that the original study was pulled down due to industry pressure. thousands of homes. the project down by half, many issues still remained unsolved. "There is going to be a pushback. As part of its noncommercial effort to present the environmental, social, scientific, and economic issues of large-scale wind power development to a global audience seeking such information, National Wind Watch endeavors to observe fair use as provided for in section 107 of U.S. On April 19, Neumann and Schindler received an email from David Ivan, who works at another arm of the MSU Extension called the Greening Michigan Institute.