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Balius paid $640,000 for the house in 2004 and did renovations before placing it back on the market in 2007. In 2009 one of Petersons attorneys brought up a new theory claiming an owl was to blame for her death. Read ahead to learn more about Michael Peterson and where he is now. Homes where suspicious deaths and murders happen often sell at a discount, the longer the property can take to find buyers, Durham Mansion in The Staircase Crime Documentary Is Available for $1.9M. HBO Max's adaptation of The Staircase introduces two very meta characters in the second episode: French filmmakers Jean-Xavier de Lestrade (Vincent Vermignon) and Denis Poncet (Frank Feys).In . Lastly, read some other articles like this one on our frontpage. The occupants of the home are not known; however, as HBO Maxs series unfolds, more information may come to light. Kathleen headed back inside at some point to prepare for a conference call that was scheduled for the following morning. While many elements have been updated, the layout is the same, making it very recognizable from The Staircase.. town literacy rate is 70.8% and the Female Literacy rate is 30.6%. nationally recognized scholar and author Henry Louis Skip Gates Jr. As Peterson documentary debuts on Netflix, Durham braces for new attention -- and scrutiny, Harrison Ford tapped to play Durhams Mike Peterson in new Staircase series, New civil rights marker honors 1960 Shaw and St. Augustines student protest, Severe storms with high winds, hail expected to roll into Triangle, central NC Sunday, Womans claims led to Emmett Tills lynching. The new owners renovated the property and relisted it in 2007. weather. Michael Peterson was sentenced for life in 2003, but was retried in 2011 and is living life as a free man. The death of Kathleen Peterson falls into the latter category. With more twists and turns than an Agatha Christie novel, her killing and the investigation that followed are confounding to say the least. An Alford plea is a legal device that allows prisoners to plead guilty to a lesser charge while maintaining their innocence. In 2017 he was released. This story was originally published July 8, 2020, 10:41 AM. Skyler Caruso is the Editorial Assistant of PEOPLE Digital. Michael wound up being granted a new trial in 2011 after the State Crime Labs blood-spatter analyst Duane Deaver, who worked on his case, was fired for repeatedly shoddy investigative work. the layout is the same, making it very recognizable from "The Staircase." . The more terribleand well-publicizedthe incident, the longer the property can take to find buyers and the larger the discounts. By taking the plea, he admitted that the prosecution had enough evidence to secure a manslaughter conviction. There are strange true crime cases and there are those that are downright bizarre. The documentary follows Michael Peterson from his wifes death in December 2001 to his release in 2017. There are strange true crime cases and there are those that are downright bizarre. He was sentenced to time served and is today a free man. The newlyweds were captured gloriously posing for photos on the homes staircase. Though the kitchen island was moved (it was formerly attached to the kitchen counter, cutting across the room at a diagonal), the space still looks much as it did when Michael lived there. In 2003, Peterson was convicted of Kathleens murder and sentenced to life without parole. I wasnt used to stuff like that, said student protester Swanola Debnam, who is now in her mid 80s.