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I can report that the fund ICONIQ Strategic Partners VII has been raised and totals $6 billion, according to a source. Michael Thomas Anders, Iconiq Capital LLC: Profile and Biography - Bloomberg Markets Bloomberg Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg. The investment advisory business has offices in two locations and a total of 378 advisors. Some of functionality may not work while you disabled. (which will reduce returns). states: Please visit their SEC profile for more details. Inside ICONIQ Capital: How the Rich Got Richer - Newcomer Mr. Anders received his B.A/B.S. ICONIQ Capital's Founder is Michael Anders. for the current data. Europe, Menlo Park, China), Where the person is located (e.g. Celebrities Michael Anders Net Worth Michael Anders Net Worth 2023, Age, Height, Relationships, Married, Dating, Family, Wiki Biography Wealthminder is a database of every Investment Advisor Representative in the country. But that will be true for many, if not all, of the firms rivals too. [5] Background [ edit] Much of this story is based on the fundraising materials for that seventh fund. Michael Anders Profile: Contact Information & Network | PitchBook match you with the advisor or firm mentioned in this profile. They have spent all of their employment at Iconiq Capital, Llc. It's a goldmine of consumer insight you can use to create fresh, ultra-useful content, products and services. Founded in 2011 by Divesh Makan, Michael Anders and Chad Boeding, ICONIQ has now amassed $67 billion in assets under management and expanded beyond the family office into venture capital and real estate. Flattery will get you everywhere, offer Michael a . Continue reading your article witha WSJ subscription, Already a subscriber? . That gives the firm a deep reserve of dry powder as tech stocks including ICONIQ portfolio companies like Snowflake and Datadog crater. Here's What Mark Zuckerberg's Family Office Plans For Europe - Forbes