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Trending. His cousin killed his wife right in front of him when he was 13 years old. On the ride to the police station, defendant asked the officer to just shoot me, saying he wanted to die. Defendant objected to, and moved to quash, the master list of jurors drawn for use in the 1987-1988 fiscal year. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA - Justia Law On April 14, 1986, during the preliminary hearing in municipal court, defense counsel requested that we be allowed to talk to you in chambers and without the presence of the prosecutor regarding a request by defendant not to attend the preliminary hearing. Sickeningly, it was then that Ramirez began to establish his signature attack style: shoot and kill the husband, then assault and stab the wife. ), The burden is on the party seeking severance to clearly establish that there is a substantial danger of prejudice requiring that the charges be separately tried. [Citation.] Holding a news conference, she held up a police sketch of the killer, and also went on to describe the evidence from all the cases throughout the state crucial information that hadnt been made public. [] []. VINCENT AND MAXINE ZAZZARA : Whittier, March 27 - Los 1173, 55 L.Ed.2d 426 (Holloway), in which indigent codefendants were represented by a single appointed attorney who represented that he had received confidential information from each defendant that created a risk of conflicting interests, but no conflict of interest was found in Cuyler v. Sullivan (1980) 446 U.S. 335, 100 S.Ct. In response to the People's observation that defendant did not request additional peremptory challenges during the selection of the alternate jurors, defendant asserts that such a request would have been futile, because the trial court had denied his earlier request for additional peremptory challenges during the selection of the seated jurors. Lack of Specific Findings Regarding Aggravating Factors, Defendant maintains that the trial court's failure to require the jury to make findings regarding which aggravating factors it relied upon precluded meaningful appellate review in violation of the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the federal Constitution and deprived him of equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment. Although the trial court overruled defendant's objection and ruled there was no significant disparity in the percentage of Hispanics, the office of the jury commissioner adopted defendant's request to improve the method by which duplicate names were eliminated, which resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of Hispanics on the new master jury list that was used to select defendant's jury. Our decision in Hannon does not assist defendant. ), 13. I just want to make perfectly sure you understand. 720, 807 P.2d 949, disapproved on other grounds in People v. Stansbury (1995) 9 Cal.4th 824, 830, fn. 191, 800 P.2d 547.) Fox says life with Parkinson's is 'getting harder': "I'm not gonna be 80', Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson celebrate 35 years of marriage with cake, Chris Pratt talks Marvel audition fails: 'I was never gonna audition for Marvel again'. After some discussion about whether both photographs depicted the same wound, at the court's suggestion, the prosecutor withdrew one of the photographs and the court admitted into evidence the other photograph. [Citations. Because the statutory requirements for joinder were met, defendant can establish error only on a clear showing of prejudice. Hypocrites one and all. The court accepted defendant's waiver.