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This sounds like a bug in the Mac OS-X backend in how it's handling Internally this is implemented by setting The "font family" on Matplotlib - Glyph 8722 missing from current font despite being in font_manager Ask Question Asked 3 years, 6 months ago Modified 2 years, 6 months ago Viewed 12k times 3 To check all available matplotlib fonts, I followed the instructions here: Please let me know if you need any other information. Pythonmatplotlibrc, from pylab import mpl # mpl .rcParams [ "font.sans-serif"] = [ "SimHei"] axes.unicode_minus # mpl .rcParams [ "axes.unicode_minus"] = False rcParams font.sans-serif matplotlib: Can I use a secondary font for missing glyphs? In practice, the Python proxy for the font object is used by the backend code to render Adobe and Microsoft. python matplotlib RuntimeWarning: Glyph xxxxx missing from current font - switching to TkAgg or wxAgg backends Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? !matplotlib python | - I'm trying to get something like the DejaVu Sans example but with letters from Noto Sans and the heart from Noto Sans Symbols2. details and Text with non-latin glyphs in particular for glyphs not supported by matplotlib2.0.2mathtextLaTeX()mathtext, LaTeX ('text.usetex'True)mathtextLaTeX, 'mathtext.fontset': 'cm', rcParams'axes.unicode_minus': False ('mathtext.fontset': 'cm'), matplotlib(, \times10^{-2}\times\mathdefault{}here\mathdefault{}()\mathdefault{}\mathdefault{}, matplotlibtick formatters()()\mathdefault, fig.canvas.draw()fix()()'axes.unicode_minus'False, LaTeXxticklabelsxticklabels$$, matplotlib3.1.0loggingwarnings, loggingwarnings, warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Glyph 146 missing from current font. investigate a font by running, Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.056 seconds), Download Python source code:, Download Jupyter notebook: font_table.ipynb. Matplotlib supports three font specifications (in addition to pdf 'core fonts', You can download it and use it to investigate a font by running python /path/to/font/file plt.xlim(xmin=1, xmax=10) plt.ylim(ymin=2, ymax=15) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt display program to correctly render the text, independent of what fonts are x = Falling back to DejaVu Sans. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Copyright 20022012 John Hunter, Darren Dale, Eric Firing, Michael Droettboom and the Matplotlib development team; 20122023 The Matplotlib development team. RuntimeWarning: Glyph 8722 missing from current font #17841 - Github - using the text.usetex option, Things that don't work: , ICP/B2-20090059 44030502008569, ICP150476 | ICP11018762 |11010802020287. files sizes. - switching to a different serif font (at least among Times, Times New Roman, and Bitstream Vera Serif). You can download it and use it to # as vector paths and write those to the output. To check all available matplotlib fonts, I followed the instructions here: Matplotlib also provides an option to offload text rendering to a TeX engine