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This made the machine impervious to small arms fire and resistant to explosives; three external explosions and over 200 rounds of firearm ammunition fired at the bulldozer had no effect on it. [2] According to a neighbor, Heemeyer moved to town over 10 years prior to the incident. The spree lasted over two hours before finally coming to a deadly standstill. [18] The first recording was made on April 13, 2004. A patriot? "It is the predominant narrative; that Marv was screwed by this small town board that was out to get him, that the local community was out to get him," says Patrick Brower, the author of a book on Heemeyer and his tank. About the same time, the city cited Heemeyer for two infractions: not being connected to the city sewer line and for unsightly junk cars strewn about his property. A destroyed truck was stuck inside the Mountain Parks Electric building after Marvin Heemeyers rampage. For two hours and seven minutes, Marvin Heemeyer and his killdozer pummeled through the town, damaging 13 buildings and knocking out gas services to city hall. According to Susan Docheff, Heemeyer changed his mind and increased the price to $375,000, then to a deal worth approximately $1 million. He Destroyed a Town in Revenge | The Case of Marvin Heemeyer - Reddit Marvin Heemeyer's 'killdozer' rampage in Colorado made headline news. lift fully exposed". All told, 13 buildings and dozens of cars were decimated before Heemeyer was stopped. The town of Granby still hasn't fully recovered from Heemeyer's vengeful and dangerous attack. Marvin Heemeyer's Armored Bulldozer - Tank Encyclopedia "There was a woman talking on the local radio station as Marv was going through town she was sitting there saying, 'Marv is just a gentle giant, he's a teddy bear of a guy, he would only hurt people who hurt him ' It's just galling.