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Because your attraction is so specific, you can be intrigued by someone one moment and gone the next. Life isnt always fair, as Mars in Scorpio would say, but Mars in Libra will seldom accept this notion. His love interest quickly becomes the center of his universe. Mars in Aries man. Aries is the most assertive of the Mars signs. You like the thrill of the chase and get bored easily. Cafe Astrology .com Many people with Mars in Pisces end up in relationships that are unbalanced in some way, whether this is due to money, age, or simply an unequal energy (with one partner being much more powerful, controlling, loud, etc.). Mars in Capricorn natives like to be on top of things. Description of Mars in Pisces - Forest for Women They are vey emotional and there is always a bit of a storm in their hearts. Add a feisty argument and risky location and the fireworks will fly. WebA Man with Mars in Pisces will say the exact words you want to hear. Their desires are strong, but they are often centered around the physical and material worldall that can be seen and held. And with the action-driven character of Mars, this offer to help is likely more than just lip service. Intellectual reasoning wont help you; something must personally and emotionally tie you to a project in order to keep you engaged. Some take it personally when you dont agree with themwhy wouldnt you agree, after all? While the role of planets in astrology is not frequently discussed in pop culture, it is still as significant as the more popular Zodiac signs which are based on the suns location when you were born. Mars in Capricorn needs great mountains to climb in life. And thats absolutely fine with themthey enjoy surprising people. However, you also forgive easily, even if your partner has done something that feels completely unforgivable. See our article, How to Obtain Your Natal Chart. Capricorn possesses the ability to plan for the futuresomething that many other signs have difficulty doing. WebIn astrology, Mars is the planet that influences that way you manage and express anger. When the Mars in Pisces man first meets someone, he willfeelwhat they want and can turn into his partners dream man. THE FOUR TYPES OF MARS IN PISCES MEN | by thereal great He does not allow his difficulties to discourage or distract him from his goals, and instead keeps his eyes focused on the future. Venus in Leo, Mars in Pisces | Cafe Astrology .com Mars in Leo loves nothing more than having fun, being playful and laughing their heart out. When these people argue, they can too easily pick up a moralistic stance that drives everyone around them crazy. In stark contrast to Mars in Libra, who is most comfortable with the middle ground, Mars in Scorpio has a black-or-white philosophy of life.