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Test questions are multiple choice and fall within the categories of Writing Skills and Reading Comprehension. "He has pushed our criminal justice system to do more and be better. The Biddeford Police Department is comprised of 56 sworn officers and 27 non-sworn employees, the majority of which serve as dispatchers in its communication center. You will now receive real-time job alerts! ALERT EXAMINATION: Applicants must have already taken and passed the ALERT test prior to applying for placement on the Employment Register. Portland's police chief, Frank Clark, will be leaving his post to take another position. Auburn police officers were called to the restaurant that afternoon where they examined the shipment and confirmed that the tote had illegal drugs in it. ALERT EXAMINATION: Applicants must have already taken and passed the ALERT test prior to applying for placement on the Employment Register. All rights reserved, It Allows Me to Better Lead': DC's Police Chief Opens Up About Faith & Poetry, DC Police Chief Shares Thoughts on Reforming Criminal Code, Metropolitan Police Department (DC Police / MPD), Family Awaits Return of DC Mother Missing for More Than 3 Weeks, 8-Year-Old Woodbridge Girl Dies From Crash Injuries, Man Shot Wife, Her Brother Before Shooting Himself: Police, Why Fans Say Trips to Disney World Are Now Incredibly Complicated' to Pull Off. message, please email YORK, Maine Two community members will have a say in determining who will lead the York Police Department as the next chief of police. During those four months in 2021, there were 15 incidents where young people became victims of gun violence; in 2022, it was 19 incidents, and in 2023 so far, there have been 32 incidents. Our forward-thinking department has been accepted into the Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) project and is piloting other innovations, such as the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PARRI) program and a fentanyl test strip program. Nick Iannelli | for BA/BS & .25/hr. CALEA | The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. Potvin was placed on paid administrative leave May 18.