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Author. You know the right way to do that is by changing your mindset and letting go of the past. The fastest Way to remove your blocks and Limits: My Study Notes on Chris Duncan's Magnetic Mind Recode Program. I have created 3 Multi-million dollar companies, have travelled the world speaking in 13 countries to over 130,000 people and have 3 books (1 best seller). Ive rated Magnetic Mind for the beginner whos looking to undertake this training with Chris Duncan in Queensland. Additional gift options are available when buying one eBook at a time. You get 6 months training, and online university, 5 days of live workshop, 20+ hours of live online class time with a tutor and 1/1 mentoring and support. These ebooks can only be redeemed by recipients in the US. In our Magnetic Mind Certification program, we will teach you the Superconscious Recode, the revolutionary method that creates fast results plus you will learn all signature Magnetic Mind Core Processes, coaching system, session structure and meditations to create massive results for yourself and your clients! I live in the Gold Coast Australia with my wife Harriet and I love my life.. Join Christopher Duncan Where He Will Take You Through The 5 Step Process Thats Needed To Re-Code Your Mind And Magnetically Manifest Everything You Desire Without Struggle -, Watch Christopher Duncan at his most recent event as he goes through the entire process and helps attendees move past fear of public speaking live on stage, Gain full control over your own learning, learn at your own pace, go as slow or as fast as you need you get unlimited access to all the training and other bonuses in a regularly updated membership site that you can take anywhere . The Superconscious Rapid Recode have travelled the world speaking in 13 countries to over 130,000 people All rights reserved. . Let me teach you what has taken me over 10 years of research to uncover. This is going to be the most life changing 21 days of your life, if you are ready for it. Both in seminars and through his personal social media accounts, he does come across with authenticity and sincerity. On Kindle Scribe, you can add sticky notes to take handwritten notes in supported book formats. I've had some amazing shifts since using the Magnetic Mind Method and will never look back. BEST-SELLERS Rapid Recode Group Session $49.00 $495.00 End result:To become a life changing coach using the Magnetic Mind Method, Self-Guided, Practical Demonstrations And Live Practice Sessions To Suit All Learning Styles, 12 Training Modules With Demonstrations And Session Plans Private Support Community. Went through many obstacles in life , challenges in relationships , loss of loved ones, career challenges, raising children, mental health challenges. This program will help you achieve what you desire faster by aligning your mind and removing your doubt. Science supports everything I write in this book.