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[4] However, many civilian shooters disliked using moon clips. As was the case with many other World War I government contracts, the manufacturers were permitted to remain in production into early 1919 so as to utilize existing raw materials previously ordered. CHF41.25, CHF45.83 This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. Fullsize Smith & Wesson M1917 Replica Indiana Jones Raiders Of - eBay However, the valuable contributions of the Model 1917 revolvers to the war effort in 1917-1918 and again in 1941 to 1945 should not be overlooked. M1911 WWII Colt Pistol Parkerized Finish. A post-World War I Ordnance document dated Jan. 5, 1924, indicates that the total production of M1917 revolvers was 318,432, which includes the guns produced into early 1919. As related in the above-cited book: We heard he took his .45 revolver with him to the hospital. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. On Nov., 1, 1940. A number of Model 1917 revolvers were retained by the National Guard, and others were supplied to several governmental agencies, especially the Post Office. Indiana Jones is seen carrying three sidearms in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, including two different Smith & Wesson revolvers, one of which is a Smith & Wesson M1917. Blank Guns: Revolvers - The United States Replica Gun Company   Germany   |   English (US)   |   (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. Replica Revolver - Etsy Reproduction of the US M1917/1942 Military holster for the Colt or S & W .45 Revolver Bearing the original style "US" in oval-embossing Quality thick leather just like the original Patterned from the original for authenticity The revolver is not included in this sale Expertly Handcrafted Replica Reviews (0) The S&W M1917 can thus be used without half-moon clips, though empty .45 ACP cases, being rimless, must be poked out manually through the cylinder face as the extractor star cannot engage them. ", "I can't say enough how brilliant and helpful this seller is. CHF164.38, CHF205.48 Indiana Jones S&W M1917 Revolver Raiders of the Lost Ark Gun Smith Wesson Pistol Cosplay Prop Replica Colt Harrison Ford (1.1k) $34.55 Non-Firing Webley MK IV Replica With Optional Holster (1.5k) $109.00 FREE shipping Revolver Hand Gun High-Quality Fake Cosplay Costume Film Prop (647) $189.00 Smith & Wesson 649 revolver, 3D Printed kit. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. In the late 1950s and 1960s, Colt and Smith & Wesson 1917s were available through mail order companies at bargain prices. Economy Blank Firing Peacemaker. [5], From 1917 to 1919, Colt and Smith & Wesson produced 151,700 and 153,300 M1917s in total (respectively) under contract with the War Department for use by the American Expeditionary Force. Plans were formulated to have other commercial concerns produce M1911s under contract, but it was recognized that the lag time required for the firms to start manufacturing would result in a serious shortage of handguns at a very critical time.