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Sweetie Des Arts | True Blood Wiki | Fandom He then orders her to leave his domain, which she begrudgingly does, but not before an emotional departing with Bill outside. The Dungeons & Dragons Movie Is a First-Rate Comedy, Virtual Clinics Have a Backup Plan: Misoprostol-Only Abortions. Terry sat the baby down on the floor to play while he went to check the dryer. Lizzy Caplan: True Blood (HBO)2. Alicia Leigh Willis, Katherine Moennig . He holds her captive for many days, even taking her to the mansion of Russell Edgington, for whom he works, where he plans to turn her into a vampire. Season 4 showed Lisa, her brother Coby, and their mother Arlene asleep on the sofa. True Blood (TV Series 2008-2014) - IMDb She became restless and eventually broke up with Hoyt -- and then, she slept with his best friend, Jason Stackhouse. She was only 17 years old when she was turned by vampire Bill Compton, and now she's his responsibility (one that gives Bill headaches, regularly). She has killed shapeshifters like Suzanne McKittrick and Emory Broome and tried to kill Sam Merlotte, Luna, Emma Garza, Jessica Hamby, and Sookie Stackhouse. And he doesn't know how to be friends with a girl. Lizzy Caplan, who plays blood druggie Amy Burley in the sex- and corpuscle-drenched series, tops the list, which [], The 13 Best Electric Bikes for Every Kind of Ride, The Best Barefoot Shoes for Walking or Running, What the End of HBO Maxand the Rise of MaxMeans for Streaming. The hottest women of 'True Blood' include women who manage to radiate sexiness and keep viewers coming back, week after week. True Blood Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. She says, If Im rolling my eyes when I read the play, I know Ill be miserable even if Im in a drought. After discovering that Sookie has unusual abilities, Russell takes an interest in her. Eric summons Willa, and though Eric appears genuinely happy to see his young progeny, she angrily yells at him for abandoning her so soon after she was made. In season 7 Alcide is killed by the town's hate group against supernaturals. Anna Camp. True Blood is an American television drama series created and produced by Alan Ball. Lisa then moved to Virginia to attend college at Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia. Eric returns to Bon Temp and tells Pam that Willa is still part of their family, and he must say goodbye to her in person before he dies. Wendy stumbles on an ideal business to add to the Byrde portfolio. At Sookie and Lafayette's behest, Pam turns Tara into a vampire. Sweetie Des Arts, also known as The Dragon, was the leader of an anti-supernatural hate group known as the Obamas, on the HBO original series True Blood. However, Lisa Emery already had experience playing a similar role. Lisa Emery Biography - Wiki, Net worth, Husband, Children, Age, Height