Fedex Ground Salary Grade Chart, Articles L

Adam-God can then be seen as based on JS' teachings and the endowment, with a simple fundamental misunderstanding on the identity of Micheal in the Godhead. 2:43 p.m. John Thomas is conducting cross . If this were false, then why do I want to strive to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ? (And there are multiple forms - the form of being human, the form of being Jewish, the form of being a prophet, etc. This LDS doctrine of celestial kingdoms relies heavily on the Bible passage in John 14:2, "In my Father's house there are many mansions," as proof that these kingdoms exist in heaven. Like Lehi who partook of the fruit of the tree of life and who immediately wanted to share it with his family, the fruits of the doctrine have been delicious to me, and I have also wanted to share it. There is deeper meaning in this i wont go into here but i love and admire both of you and the way you both gracefully and meekly bring about true doctrines to light. The pattern and symbolism is unmistakable! Multiple Mortal Probations (MMP) Eternal Progression, and Progression between Kingdoms The Flag of the Kingdom of God Apostasy Unchangeability of the Doctrines of Salvation and Exaltation Fallibility or Infallibility of Men Appointed as Church Leaders Whether or Not the LDS Church Could Fall into Apostasy Although it had to be put on a shelf for a year or so when I first heard about it, the Fringe Doctrine of Multiple Mortal Probations has answered many of my questions about Christ, our Father and Mother, the Noble and Great Ones, the 144,000, the Olympians, Prophets of Old and of Latter Days, and the hope that my friends and family members still have if they choose not to forgive themselves and progress in THIS life! Single Probation Doctrine, and Mortal Experience. Your email address will not be published. Either in this life or the life to come, they will return. This thesis explains a bunch of odd data points and suggests a straightforward explanation for the origin of Adam-God. path, and between my Father in Heaven and me. The main topics are the levels, or ladder, of eternal progression and the end times servant otherwise known as the Davidic Servant. Some awesome people have been excommunicated. Nor do I believe that a full understanding of Who I Am, in all the Eternal facets of my Being, qualifies me to take responsibility for doing Fathers work in somehow translating this knowledge to another. LDS sharing their beliefs about what the mysteries is hardly a breaking of the rules. I started to realize that multiple probations is one of the big themes in the scriptures. D&C 132:22-25 can easily be interpreted that way: 22For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me. Following is the summary of the January 1846 Nauvoo Temple Record from the Multiple Mortal Probations document: Brigham Young laid hands on Heber C. Kimball and "Ordained him to the Godhead, and that he would act as the Savior to a world or worlds." JS also gave more info about this path to exaltation, which is that the Holy Ghost, the third member in the Godhead, was going to serve as a Christ. Laub wrote, "For we are to go from glory to glory and as one is raised to a higher, so the next under him may take his degree and so to take the exaltation through the regular channel. When I have read the account where the church leaders during the Saviors time were asking him if he were Jeremiah or some other great prophet, that never made sense to me until after reading your book, then it made perfect sense to me.