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He needs to be put into prison. Man that was creatively fucked up. (I still like his Brian Bosworth movie, though.). He NEEDS to be arrested to make his points. Vern, the reason the Collector seems influenced by Saw is because it was written by the guy who wrote Saw 4 through 7, and was originally intended to be a Saw prequel. As his methods are uncovered, it's clear he's a non-magical human being, but a clever one with remarkable resources. Its sort of like a ridiculous, EXTREME updating of the barbed-wire scene in SUSPIRIA. I mean, from the beginning Clyde *wants* Nick to be able to prove this. Is it ridiculous and silly? This should have been The Jetsters Swan Song in the Period Martial Arts arena, but sadly, Havent seen that one since it came out, but if Im not mistaken, I liked it. She called the source Chester, but wouldnt tell who it was. Running time: 1 hour 48 minutes. It was such a disappointing reality check when we realised he obviously couldnt because its just a (stupid) movie. The county also provides an online mapping toolso residents can create their own maps for consideration. Adding that once Clyde's "reign of fire" (ahem) really gets going, the only time one of the murders seems to really cause him serious pain is when Sarah's car blows up. An English lawyer tries to free them and clear their names. Its not surprising people end up rooting for the villain when his story is so much more fleshed out and interesting. They keep saying they suspect he has an accomplice on the outside. Heres what could happen. Here are ten incredibly influential flicks about law and justice, ranked, according to IMDb. Based on a tragic true story,Daniel Day-Lewis takes the leadas Gerry Conlonin this biography drama that takes place during a difficult period in Ireland'shistory. These questions were really distracting me, but luckily the movie drew me back in using a classic action movie move: it couched Clydes Jigsaw-style plan in the language of the DIE HARD ripoff. I'm from Philadelphia, so I got a kick out of spotting the various sites the characters encounter along the way. Summaries. Barker said at the beginning of the year, Weld Countys clerk and recorder submitted new district boundaries to the commissioners in the Republican-leaning county and a new map was chosen in short order. That's the prologue. I dont even know where I would go to get one, let alone dozens. While watching I assumed without thinkin that Chester was the accomplice. So remarkable, in fact, that they fly in the face of common sense. But then I guess it would be closer to DEATH SENTENCE (a much better post-SAW revenge movie in my opinion and on further viewing a better movie than I realized when I wrote my review). Foxx is decent and tortured; Butler is an appropriately regretful sociopath until the film's third act, when he has to kick the homicide up a notch to drive the film toward its climax. Scenes of stabbing, shooting, beatings, and bombs going off -- both large incendiary devices and small, hand-held deathtraps. Ending was just awful. director of photography Film Editing by Colm Meaney, Leslie Bibb and Bruce McGill are all much better than they need to be, as is Viola Davis in a few scenes as the mayor of Philadelphia, where this bloodbath takes place. The rest of the film takes itself way too seriously, but is still a slick action/thriller film. Nick Rice, Mr. Foxxs character, is slick and ambitious, proud of his 96 percent conviction rate and quite sure that hes the cleverest and coolest person in the room. He needs to be put into solitary confinement because. In one bloody, brutal, and shocking scene, a man is stabbed with a sharp object repeatedly in the jugular, with copious amounts of blood. To be honest though, this review and all this talk of Bosworth has given me an immediate need to watch Stone Cold again so thats what Ima gonna do.