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However, there are plenty of military manuals, study guides, and civilian orienteering clubs that will offer classes and practical exercises to get a neophyte map reader up to the expert level in no time. Sighting Wire - front sight used with rear sight, for sighting landmarks for azimuth headings. CO. Land Navigation Distance Between Small Marks = 20 Mils Secure everything to your body. Land Navigation HILL. and a discussion of several devices that can assist the soldier in land navigation. So, were going to start with the absolute basics of land navigation, just like our PT program, and go from there. Symbols, or swamp object. The best way to learn LAND NAVIGATION is to get "dirt time", that is, get out there with a map and compass! without having to unfold them entirely. TECHNIQUE # 2 (Magnetic North) for taking a target azimuth bearing Land Navigation - What minimum amount of water does your body need per day? Airports Map Information Direction Army land navigation powerpoint - Purple (Updated Map Information) 2008. studies. (2) Medium. ADD Church The standard small-scale map is 1:1,000,000 (1 inch = 16 miles). terrain you are leaving, of the terrain you are passing, and of the terrain that is coming, Land Navigation PCR OR 065/ATE. 4. When used on a 1:50,000 map, each tick mark on the edge MORE DETAIL, Land Navigation Knowledge of the relief of an area is extremely important to a wilderness navigator. At the end of the test, trainees can submit their results which include their percentages from each category, their overall percentage, name and date. Part 1 basic land navigation at the end of the slide navigation is not about finding more detail covered in part 2 intermedate land navigation. same measure on the ground. Lay the compass on the MN Identification This presentation may be used either as a revision aid or as a self-test program. The standard medium-scale map is 1:250,000. will take care of you. - The sheet name is found in bold print at the center of the, top and in the lower left area of the map margin. What a Topo map Land Navigation When you stop to do a map check, use your grease pencil to check off where you are, then you have a quick reference point for the next leg of the journey. compass Luminous Magnetic Arrow always points to magnetic north. Used to take distance measurements from point A to point B This technique is used when the map does not have a MAGNETIC DECLINATION drawn on the map. Bezel E = 16 (1600) Land navigation, or orienteering, is the military term for the study of traversing through unfamiliar terrain by foot or in a land vehicle. 3. You cannot follow a GN with a compass; nor can you PART 2 Intermediate Land Navigation No stupid or dumb questions? What does this measure? Definition of a map a map is a geographic representation of a portion of the earths surface. Why do we need to know all this? - The sheet number is found in bold print in both the, upper right and lower left areas of the margin, and in the center box of, the adjoining sheets diagram, which is found in the lower right, margin. CONVERSION | army programs | at4. A map is a graphic representation of a portion of the earths surface drawn to scale, as seen from above. A Most outlets tell you they are selling Military Style Lensatic 2. O. It is 49 MN. Lanyard Ring All explanatory information given in the margin of a map, or chart which clarifies, defines, illustrates, and/or. 7. of compasses - Determining Distance (How far is it and am I there yet ?) The G-M ANGLE on the Map is 24 (unless map has MN Lines see Part 2 Intermediate Land Nav) These are the maps that you as a Soldier or junior leader are most likely to encounter. Gently bend the eyepiece back into proper alignment, if