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i. He has covered me with ashes, as mourners used to be, or (as some read it) he has fed me with ashes. (great love [mercies]), the covenant love and loyalty of the Lord that leads to rahamim (compassion, mercy), derived from re?em (womb). (Ellison), ii. Seeking Him again would bring renewed expressions of His goodness. Yes, he did: Thou hast heard my voice; and some read the following words as carrying on the same thankful acknowledgment: Thou didst not hide thy ear at my breathing, at my cry; and the original will bear that reading. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed Being thus humbled, and seeing himself and his sinfulness in a proper point of view, he finds that God, instead of dealing with him in judgment, has dealt with him in mercy; and that though the affliction was excessive, yet it was less than his iniquity deserved. He will save believers with everlasting salvation, while his enemies perish with everlasting destruction. 53 They have cut off my life in the dungeon, and cast a stone upon me. Note, God has many arrows in his quiver, and they fly swiftly and pierce deeply. I. 1 Andrew E. Hill and John H. Walton, A Survey of the Old Testament, 334.LaSor, Hubbard, and Bush affirm that Some rabbis also used the name Qinot, meaning 'funeral dirges' or 'lamentations (Old Testament Survey, 617).2 LaSor, Hubbard, and Bush, Old Testament Survey, 617.. 3 Hill and Walton write, The despairing tone of the petition for national renewal in the closing lines of the final poem (5 . We read it as a petition for further audience: Hide not thy ear. i. God's ear is wont to be open to the prayers of his people, and his door of mercy to those that knock at it; but now both are shut, even to one that cries and shouts. of Scripture. They look upon the Jewish nation as dead and buried, and imagine that there is not possibility of its resurrection. General Epistles The Old Testament He hath also broken my teeth with gravel stones What a figure to express disgust, pain, and the consequent incapacity of taking food for the support of life; a man, instead of bread, being obliged to eat small pebbles till all his teeth are broken to pieces by endeavouring to grind them. Note, God will one day call sinners to account for all the hard speeches which they have spoken against him and his people, Jude 15. 1. The walling-up of prisoners within confined spaces so that they died very quickly was a form of torture made popular by the Assyrians., iii. 2. The daughters of my city. It is good because it keeps from bearing the devils yoke. That prayer should not pass through. 2. Two ways the people of God are injured and oppressed by their enemies, and the prophet here assures us that God does not approve of either of them:1. 2023 Or, My weeping eye affects my heart; the venting of the grief, instead of easing it, did but increase and exasperate it. If there be any way to acquire and secure a good hope under our afflictions, it is this way, and yet we must be very modest in our expectations of it, must look for it with an it may be, as those who own ourselves utterly unworthy of it. What Every Christian Should Know about the Protestant Reformation. Note, We should consider, to our terror and caution, that God knows all the revengeful thoughts we have in our minds against others, and therefore we should not allow of those thoughts nor harbour them, and that he knows all the revengeful thoughts others have causelessly in their minds against us, and therefore we should not be afraid of them, but leave it to him to protect us from them. He had heard their prayers; though they had been ready to fear that the cloud of wrath was such as their prayers could not pass through (v. 44), yet upon second thoughts, or at least upon further trial, they find it otherwise, and that God had not said unto them, Seek you me in vain.