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By the late 1980s, the only 3 remaining district school bus contracts were at Petersburg, Norfolk and Hopewell. See CWA 402(a)(1), 33 U.S.C. App. EPA's policy expressly stated that a core objective of civil penalties is to deprive the defendant of the economic benefit of the violation in order to provide effective deterrence. Laidlaw used these at 477 (J.A. Although the court of appeals appears wrong in suggesting that petitioners are not entitled to recover their litigation costs, that matter should be addressed, if it becomes necessary, through the proceedings on remand. The Court applies the doctrine of standing as a threshold jurisdiction requirement that a plaintiff must normally satisfy to invoke the federal judicial power. City of Mesquite, 455 U.S. at 289. The District Court also denied Laidlaw's motion to dismiss on the ground that the citizen suit was barred under 1365(b)(I)(B) by DREC's prior action against the company. 183). Services; Innovations. 7a. 7 Congress drafted Section 309(d)'s standards for assessing civil penalties (see note 6, supra) with deterrence of violations specifically in mind. "26Rollins has been cited for more than 100 violations, both state and federal,but has not paid any penalties.27And in 1989,"Rollins was fined $ 1.9 million for its involvement in illegalshipments of hazardous ash; this year, after running eighteen years onvarious temporary permits, it received a final operating license."28. 4a. Inc Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Marianas awarded a contract with a maximum amount of $25 million to Guam small business Landscape Management Systems, Inc. for environmental services at Pet. The court of appeals accordingly erred in inferring from the district court's decision to limit petitioners' relief to civil penalties that petitioners' suit was moot. 1365(b)(1)(A). 1995) (Laidlaw I) (J.A. CWA 505(d), 33 U.S.C. 484 U.S. at 67 n.6 (quoting S. Rep. No. at 70 (Scalia, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part). WebLaidlaw Environmental Services, Inc. (U.S. Supreme Court) Ability of individuals bringing citizen-suits to seek civil penalties. These addresses are known to be associated with Laidlaw Environmental Services, Inc. however they may be inactive or mailing addresses only. In 2019, ECOS is celebrating its 15th year anniversary due to our highly regarded customer service. 2d 584 (S.D. Cf. WebIT Services and IT Consulting. In acquiring Laidlaw, FirstGroup announced that the Laidlaw name would not be kept, but that the Greyhound name would be maintained.