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If this controlling mind was not personally guilty of gross negligence manslaughter, then the company wouldnt be guilty of the offence, however poor their institutional health and safety procedures. In particular, the danger from smoke inhalation had been ignored. As well as the mainline railway stations above ground . Incredibly, there was a sprinkler system on the escalators, at ground level. Consequently, all wooden escalators were replaced, automatic sprinklers were installed and heat detectors in escalators, and all station staff are now required to take part in fire safety training twice a year. How do you know that your emergency response will be effective when its needed. The flames heated the framework and decking of the Piccadilly line escalator, pre-heating the rest of the wooden staircase before bursting into flames. [13] Staff and a policewoman trapped on a Metropolitan line platform were rescued by a train. Instead, the Piccadilly escalator catches fire, and in the next six minutes four London Fire Brigade trucks arrive, along with several hoses and a turntable ladder. The public inquiry Sir Desmond chaired triggered huge changes for both firefighting and London Underground's safety procedures. While the events of July 6, 1988, will be well known to the majority of people in the Scottish north-east, there is now a whole generation entering the oil&gas industry who were not even born at the time of the disaster. Energy Voice 2023. Although small to begin with, described . (Although smoking had been banned in all subsurface stations since a fire at Oxford Circus in 1984, people often lit cigarettes on their way up the escalators on their way out of the station.). He was killed in the fire; his body was found beside that of a badly burnt passenger at the base of the exit steps to Pancras Road. Do you question the way that you do things? [20], LFB Station Officer Colin Townsley was in charge of the first pump fire engine to arrive at the scene, and was in the ticket hall at the time of the flashover. Technically, organisations could face the same manslaughter charges as individuals, but it was tricky: the prosecution would first have to show that a senior individual within it, who embodied the company, was guilty of the offence. As the self-confessed "computer geek" waited for a Victoria Line train at King's Cross Tube station, he realised passengers were being evacuated. [46], London Underground was also recommended by the Fennell Report to investigate "passenger flow and congestion in stations and take remedial action". kings cross fire 1987 corporate manslaughter - tickfeeds.com The fire, which had actually begun beneath Escalator Four around a quarter of an hour earlier, at about 19:30 GMT, is suspected to have been caused by a match discarded by a passenger.