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Yes. More than a million people tuned in to the live stream of Kassam v Hazzard; Henry v Hazzard via the New South Wales Supreme Court's YouTube channel over the past couple of weeks, many hoping for a judgement which invalidates public health orders which mandate vaccines for certain industries, such as healthcare, aged care and construction.. Kassam represents the first major legal decision in Australia in relation to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements for workers. 'The police officer who was challenging her vaccination order had her case dismissed by the Supreme Court a few days ago' [Belinda Kay HOCROFT v Bradley Ronald Hazzard, Minister for Health and Medical Research]. Your thoughts! In the early hours of 21 April 2008, a series of altercations bet [], If you've been charged with a criminal offence, get free advice and fixed fee representation from a top team of experienced criminal defence lawyers. Discrimination against vaccination status now LEGAL. Bodily integrity is not violated because health orders impair freedom of movement. So, they cant be conscripted, essentially. So, that itself is highly problematic: that you would have such extraordinary powers exercised without the protections needed to ensure that they are proportionate. All information on this site is of a general nature only and is not intended to be relied upon as, nor to be a substitute for, specific legal professional advice. While the plaintiffs made clear that their employment had been impacted by orders requiring vaccination, additional challenges were made against what effectively amounted to travel restrictions imposed on their LGAs. NSW Supreme Court Judgment - Kassam; Henry v Hazzard (4:00pm) Reignite Democracy Australia. Validity of mandatory vaccination orders confirmed on appeal You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Its a matter of process, a matter of scrutiny and accountability. Supreme Court of New South Wales - Facebook His Honour accepted that a significant amount of any evidence the Minister might be expected to give would likely reveal information for which a public interest immunity claim has been upheld and cannot be waived and drew no negative inferences from the Minister's absence. Kassam represents the first major legal decision in Australia in relation to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements for workers. On May 02, 2022, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India passed its judgement in a matter titled Jacob Puliyel v. Union of India & Ors[1], wherein it closely examined the details of the vaccination policy, the dissemination of clinical trials data, veracity of emergency approvals of vaccines and the reporting of adverse impacts of vaccination. All grounds of contention were dismissed. Kassam v Hazzard 6 January 2022; S3/2022 [2021] NSWCA 299; Eliezer v The . NSW Supreme Court upholds Hazzard's medical tyranny No responsibility for the loss occasioned to any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any material published can be accepted. October 15, 2021. challenged by several workers including one in construction, teaching, and healthcare who have all been required to receive a Covid19 vaccination. Firstly, the backlash from the public over these mandates, along with the coercive tactics of the government, is becoming stronger, businesses too, are pushing back against rules that decree they must only serve vaccinated customers.