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Copyright 2017 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. font-weight: bold; Kids Jailed for Refusing Lunch With Dad Being Freed as Judge Caves One can only hope that Dorsky's betrayed wife issued an even harsher sentence. A Michigan judge sent three kids to juvenile hall and compared them to members of the Manson Family because they refused to talk to their dad. The court's ruling said that her "demeaning and disparaging remarks" directed at the children amounted to judicial misconduct, but that some of the other allegations made by the JTC were "mere legal errors made in good faith and with due diligence." .widget-key { Yelling and smacking sounds filtered into the courtroom. For example, Mabel Hubbard was a level-headed lawyer who became Maryland's first black female judge. Tsimhoni claimed that his ex-wife poisoned their children's perceptions of him since the divorce, citing this as the reason the children refused to speak or meet with him as Judge Gorcyca ordered. The commission's list of allegations against Gorcyca are listed below: Read the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission's complaint in full here. He soon unleashed a torrent of banshee fury, screaming hysterically and blaming the reverend for unspecified acts of vandalism against his home. When asked what makes her laugh most she says Watching my 8-year-old son laugh and play. The case continues under new Judge Victoria Valentine. The comments below have not been moderated, By
Judge Gorcyca defends her conduct - YouTube | REMOVE Judge Lisa Gorcyca from the Bench Facebook, The short, unhappy tenure of Judge Gorcyca, Tsimhoni Mom continues fight to oust Judge from Case, Judge upset with public attacks on kids in custody spat, Michigan Judge Gorcyca sends children to father they fear, Childrens Mother Persists in Fight to Remove Judge. This has been corrected. According to USA Today, the parents of a baby named Messiah clashed over what the child's last name should be and took the issue to court. You can only count on them for uncertainty and disappointment. Judge Gorcyca is a former prosecuting attorney. In 2013 the Tennessee judge presided over a pretty straightforward case that became a remedial civics lesson. According to the Orlando Sentinel, everyone Weinstock planned to defend that day had to face Murphy alone. Court's now in session. And she was never on time when she did show up, routinely delaying hearings by up to an hour. "Contrary to the chilling impact Judge Gorcyca contends this case will have onjudges across the state, this is not a case that stands for the proposition that judgescannot employ stern language or make difficult decisions from the bench in contentiouscases. Your father doesnt have a personal protection order against him. Additionally, he'd have to write Bible passages 25 times a dayand attend counseling. What Dorsky did instead was also creepy and stupid. Judges | Oakland County, MI He also found that she misrepresented the facts when she told the children they would be locked up in jail cells inside the center and forced to use the bathroom in front of others, according to the Detroit Free Press.