Crash Course Conflict In Israel And Palestine Worksheet, Kevin Murphy Untangled Sephora, Former Wis Tv News Reporters, Articles J

We are an independent voice reporting the unsanitized facts on news that the MSM won't report.Contact us at: [emailprotected]. This material may not be reproduced without permission. [The journalist] stated that he then heard other shots really soon after. Drone footage Thats especially true in the case of Rosenbaum, a 36-year-old adult sex offender out on bail for battery and bail jumping accusations, who, a case can be made, was the instigator the night that Kyle Rittenhouse, a juvenile without a criminal history, opened fire. "Everybody was there exercising their right to protest. Within seconds of the tussle, Rittenhouse fired a single fatal shot into Huber, who can be seen staggering away, then collapsing onto the ground, in video footage of the incident. Rittenhouse sat up and pointed his gun at Grosskreutz, who ducked, put his hands in the air, and stepped back. Rosenbaum is seen pushing a dumpster that was on fire. According to the Post, Huber and Gittings had gone to the scene of the unrest to document the demonstrations for posterity. Psychologists have said the strategy whether intentional or not of shifting focus away from questionable violence and onto the past unlawful behavior of victims makes it easy for people to subscribe to the "they had it coming" trope and justify deaths or injuries. They came out here every time with us, Bennett said of the deceased. According to Rittenhouse's lawyers, Rosenbaum approached Rittenhouse and attempted to "engage" him. The complaint says Huber was also trying to grab Rittenhouses gun and his skateboard made physical contact with Rittenhouse right before Rittenhouse shot him. "I'm not a felon," he said. Grosskreutzs arrest history from the state Department of Justice is lengthy. At the time of his Arizona arrest, Joseph Don Rosenbaum was listed as being 5 foot three inches tall and 160 pounds. Maxouris, Christina. A jury on Friday found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges related to his shooting of three men on Aug. 25, 2020. He had open criminal cases, according to Wisconsin online court records; one was for misdemeanor bail jumping and was filed on July 30, 2020. He was charged with first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide and attempted first-degree intentional homicide. Grosskreutz said he was not intentionally pointing his weapon at Rittenhouse, but during cross-examination agreed that it was pointed at Rittenhouse at the moment he was shot. Rosenbaum and the suspect moved across the parking lot and appeared to be in close proximity when loud bangs suddenly rang out and Rosenbaum fell to the You can decide how relevant you think they are. Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. YourTango The complaint said the brother wanted to take Huber to a hospital, apparently for emergency mental health help, but Huber resisted. The teenager continued running, tripped, and then fell to the ground from where he fired four shots. hide caption. Huber eventually caught up to Rittenhouse and tried to stop him by hitting him with a skateboard. "A Father And A 26-Year-Old Skateboarder: The Protesters Killed in Kenosha." Those type of discussions were not unusual; onlookers of high-profile, controversial killings often focus on the criminal records of the victims, no matter the relevance of that history. But certainly not to all. There are multiple dismissed cases, including a felony conviction that was expunged.