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Alles Resultaat . Maureen Dowd, Palmy Days for Jerry, New York Times, March 22, 2014. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Cameron Crowe, Linda Ronstadt: The Million-Dollar Woman, Rolling Stone, December 2, 1976. Billboard magazine crowned Ronstadt with three No. But after their active friendship years ended, Brown and Ronstadt went their separate ways, continuing in their respective careers. Kennedy, on the other hand had beaten Carter in the Connecticut and New York primaries on March 25th, and seemed to be picking up steam. The album also included her first country hit, Silver Threads and Golden Needles, which broke into the Top 20. Robert Hilburn, Brown Benefit: Clash of Music and Politics, Los Angeles Times, December 24, 1979, p. E-5. Right now that happens to be Los Angeles., I just got tired of mixing up the message. Meanwhile, the notices on her music kept coming. Interview by Jean Vallely, photos by Larry Logan. One April 11th, 1979. I would have found his life too restrictive, and he would have found mine entirely chaotic, she continues. The press stalked the couple at Nairobis airport, where Ronstadt was reluctant to show herself to board a plane, even though Brown coaxed her to let the press have one photo and be done with it. May 1978: Linda Ronstadt with canine friend on the Malibu, California beach near her home, reportedly a location frequented by Jerry Brown who was fond of long walks along the beach. Engaged to filmmaker George Lucas for a time in 1984, Linda Ronstadt never did marry. Proposition 6, also known as the Briggs Initiative, sought to ban gays and lesbians from serving as public school teachers in California. In late 1987, Ronstadt released Canciones de Mi Padre, an album of traditional Mexican folk songs. Linda Ronstadt on New Doc, #MeToo and Life After Singing Former governor of California. Geen resultaat . Why Linda Ronstadt Chose Music Over Marriage - William Carlsen, The Governor and The Rock Queen, US Magazine, May 16, 1978. Music Player And he signed laws decriminalizing marijuana, another ending oil depletion allowances, and a third permitting sexual freedom between consenting adults. A Benefit for Jerry Brown, Washington Post, May 6, 1976, p. 80. The one big issue in California during the time of primaries was Proposition 13, a ballot initiative authored by anti-tax crusader Howard Jarvis. Yet, she gave the song its definitive reading, even more so than the Everly Brothers. Plus, it can hire lawyers and take out huge ads in the newspapers and continue to brainwash the American public about the safety of nuclear power, which I think is a lie. Looking Back at Rocker Linda Ronstadt's Decades-Long Bond with Former Gov. In 1991, she released a second album of Mexican music, Mas Canciones, for which she won a Grammy. PLAYBOY: Whats the reaction to your limited public support of Brown? amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; PAPER. That song would also win her a Grammy that year for Best Female Country Vocal Performance. And while Jerry Brown was not the Democratic Presidential nominee that political season, Ronstadt was invited to sing at Jimmy Carters presidential inaugural in January 1977. A lot of people are chuckling about [his trip with Ronstadt].. When Linda Ronstadt found herself struggling to sing, she thought the headphones she was using at the time were defective. She joined him and other friends at an informal gathering in Sacramento on January 3, 1983 after he stepped down as governor. Jerry & Linda. I dont want people to take my word for something because they like my music. (Photo: Naomi Fry/Twitter) They started dating in 1969 after meeting at a restaurant in LA and things took off from there.