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Poisonous Plants - ASPCA With prompt veterinary care and supportive treatment, cats can often make a full recovery from moss poisoning. Moss is a type of plant that is often found in shady, moist areas, and unlike other plants, moss doesnt use roots to grow and spread. With that said, its not likely to lead to any serious health problems! Mosses that are usually not great for cats include Spanish moss and clubmoss, which is also known as stagshorn fern or ground pine. If this isnt an option, see a vet as soon as possible. Take samples of vomit, stool, and the poison your cat ate to the vet with your cat. Eating moss may well be a further manifestation of this condition. R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes. These include: 1)Sphagnum Moss (Sphagnum spp. If your cat isnt getting sufficient exercise, interaction and stimulation, they might end up being bored and have a lot of pent-up energy that they need to expel somehow. Poisonous plants | International Cat Care Therefore, if you see or even suspect that your cats skin has come into contact with peat moss, it is recommended that you thoroughly rinse your cats skin and coat with fresh water. Is it healthy? Text STOP to opt-out, HELP for more info. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. These include inducing vomiting, starting intravenous fluid therapy, administering activated charcoal to absorb toxins in the stomach, and administering drugs that stop persistent vomiting. Treatment will vary depending on the amount of the plant your cat ingested and whether or not acute kidney failure has occurred. If the moss rose your cat ingested is your house or garden plant, take a sample of it with you when you go. Great Pet Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I hope this article was helpful in keeping your cat safe from moss poisoning! Keep on reading as I can tell you all you need to know about whether or not your cat eating moss has the potential to be harmful, toxic, or poisonous. All the information we provide on this site is derived solely from personal observation and experience. Some experts believe cats like eating moss because there is something about the appearance, taste or texture that appeals to them and makes them want to keep eating it.