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I only feel sexual attraction with someone I form an EXTREMELY strong bond with. HOW MANY SEXUALITIES ARE THERE: All Sexualities and Meanings, LIST OF SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS: Complete Breakdown & All You Need, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PANSEXUAL AND BISEXUAL (Detailed Guide), TYPES OF INTIMACY: Different Types of Intimacy in Relationships & Marriages, SEXUAL SURROGATE: Best Easy Guide & What You Need, SEXLESS RELATIONSHIP: Meaning, Effects & How to Spice Up & Fix It, CODEPENDENT RELATIONSHIP: Can It be Saved? Aegosexual is also (previously) known as autochorissexual. Please help.. Were not experts, but bisexuality is the attraction to one or more genders so you may feel more comfort within this label. x. I thought I was the only one I like females, and males that identify as bisexual but to be honest being sexually actively kind of grosses me out but I feel like if I truly care about that person then who knows. But is there a certain label or descriptor for someone like me? the good pedophile realizes that his attractions are wrong and seeks help to cure it and has NEVER acted on it. Definition: Urban Dictionary, Pomosexuality Refers to non-orientation in which people disregard sexuality labels altogether. Purple (the overlap between pink and blue) represents sexual attraction to two or more genders. An identity label that is non-specific about a persons sexual orientation. It just means you are attracted to who a person is, the whole package, and its not about gender or sexual orientation at all. However, if a genuine sexuality is removed, then expect it be added back in return. Don t call urself stupid, u want to learn and thats amazing!! Queer has been used as a term of abuse against the LGBTQ+ community, but is now often used by members of the LGBTQ+ who have reclaimed it. Heterosexual. As you can see, we havent made them up, weve simply just put them in one place. r/invalidsexualities: A place about sexualities and/or genders that aren't valid. Let me know! I have a few definitions that were included in here that should not have been in here: What does that mean? Struggling to find a sexual orientation that is applicable to you because attraction is too complicated or because none seem to fit , hi im a bit confused at what my sexuality would be, basically im really attracted to females so i was like im lesbian but like im also attracted to non binary people but they have to have been born as a female and i like transgender girls to(sorry if thats the wrong name for them) and like im attracted to like 3 fictional guy characters but i would never date a guy or do anything with them and then sometimes im not attracted to females until i get close with them , im confused what i am. Polyamorous isnt a sexuality, its a relationship style. Ive never had a crush on a girl before so could anyone give me an idea of what I am? Similarly to Demisexual, Demiromantic refers to someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a strong connection with a partner. make one then you can its allowed well lets call it anti-biromantic.