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0. Youth/Scholarship Committees. MDRiNWI2MzBmYmY4ZWFmYWY3NDNhOTM4NDRhZmEwNDQ0OGQwY2YxNDEzYjVj -- 300s and near-300s: William Gaspelin bowled the second perfect game of his career last week in the Milan Klassic League at Milan Lanes. Farmer graduated from Illinois State in 1991 with a bachelors degree in public relations. YzFlYTY3NzJkMmRhMjRiMzJiY2U0OGE0YjExY2MyZjA3YzE1NDUyMTVjYTZl MDRlNTA4MzA1MDNlZGY1NDQ0MDcwZTk3MDJlM2NhOWQyYTU3N2Y1ZTEzZDlm Central Illinois. Lisas tournament record includes a tie for 20th place in the Womens International Bowling Congress National Tournament that was held in Reno in 2003. served on the Legislative, Tournament, and the The Illinois USSSA Hall of Fame is the highest honor bestowed on any individual who has excelled as a player, umpire, promoter, director, etc. Download the 2021 Hall of Fame Program. Candidates must have been a member of the PRCUSBC for 20 years. endobj Download here for free Hall of Fame Application Application deadline is November 1st If you know a member of our Hall of Fame that has passed away, please contact the office so we can update our list. At an event held at St. Class of 2023 officially inducted into USBC Hall of Fame YmEzNjRiYmM3MDJiOGE2NmU1ODEwNWY2ZTk3YTIzODAzN2YyNzIyOGJhMjky Fakes is a member of TNBA and the Illinois-Missouri Travel League. Meadows also taught at Illinois State in the College of Education and mentored student teachers, students in the Professional Development School (PDS), and Honors students through the faculty honors program. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. This event, during which much of the business of the IBA takes place, attracted a large number of men and women from across the state. <> I did not learn what Thomson's other scores were that night, but did learn that the 298 was 86 pins over his average. Illinois State Alumni Halls of Fame | Alumni | Illinois State Adcock, Sommer and Fassola were honored for their outstanding service within Illinois. She won the Handicap All-Events Title in the Womens City Tournament in 2015. MGUwNmNmNjJiOTM0MTU0NWNkZGQ0ZTlhMTAzZmQ3NGRiMDlmNDJkZWM5YTE3 The finalists competed in a three-game, total-pinfall match on Saturday to determine the seeding for Sundays finals. In 2014, she was the 600 Club Singles Champion. SHAWN REED - OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE Shawn has been bowling in Springfield since 1999. endobj Chicagoland USBC 2021 Hall of Fame Ceremony was held at Orland Chateau on Sunday, October 24th. He recalls, as a child, watching his dad cook and spending time baking sweet potato pies, cakes, and other treats with his grandmother Betty Jean. In April, he rolled back-to-back 300 games a second time. The Madison United States Bowling Congress Bowling Association will celebrate its 45th annual Hall of Fame and Bowler Recognition Dinner on Thursday, Aug. 18, at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Madison. Wolstenholme claimed singles titles at the . This was 107 pins over Rahn's l8l average, earning him an award from the USBC. LAS VEGAS - The Wichita State men and McKendree women captured team championships, and Wichita State's Paige Wagner and Webber International's A.J. Tori Farmer is the executive director, inclusion and diversity for KPMG LLP. Northend Junior Travel League along with Windy City at the National Convention for several years. Download here for free, If you know a member of our Hall of Fame that has passed Crystal Hays had two excellent outings in the American Mixed League. At 50 Bob joined the PBA Regionals where he Six inducted into Illinois bowling Hall of Fame. Chris Munn tossed 11 consecutive strikes to start his series in the Rock Island County VFW League. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device.