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Articles I
06 Word and symbol markings should not exceed three lines of information. temporary pavement marking (bde) Effective: April 1, 2012 Revised: April 1, 2017 Revise Article 703.02 of the Standard Specifications to read: 703.02 Materials. The passing sight distance on a vertical curve is the distance at which an object 3.5 feet above the pavement surface can be seen from a point 3.5 feet above the pavement (see Figure 3B-4). Each IDOT district may require additional documentation due to conditions specific to the District. ITD is not responsible for their use by other parties. The word STOP shall not be placed on the pavement in advance of a stop line, unless every vehicle is required to stop at all times. A single solid yellow line shall not be used as a center line marking on a two-way roadway. 02 Parking space markings shall be white. 02 Advance pavement wording such as BUMP or HUMP (see Section 3B.20) may be used on the approach to a speed hump either alone or in conjunction with advance speed hump markings. The lane drop marking should begin no closer to the intersection than the most upstream regulatory or warning sign associated with the lane drop. 23 Where opposing offset channelized left-turn lanes exist, lane-use arrow markings should be placed near the downstream terminus of the offset left-turn lanes to reduce wrong-way movements (see Figure 2B-17). Where highway design or reduced visibility conditions make it desirable to provide control or to guide vehicles through an intersection or interchange, such as at offset, skewed, complex, or multi-legged intersections, on curved roadways, where multiple turn lanes are used, or where offset left turn lanes might cause driver confusion, dotted line extension markings consisting of 2-foot line segments and 2- to 6-foot gaps should be used to extend longitudinal line markings through an intersection or interchange area. Standard Specifications / Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions are now located under Engineering, Architectural & Professional section under the Consultant Resources link. If used, speed reduction markings should supplement the appropriate warning signs and other traffic control devices and should not substitute for these devices. These details will be updated on a continuous basis. The bidirectional marker is capable of displaying the applicable color for each direction of travel. Can IDOT provide copies of any Preliminary Environmental Site Assessments (PESA) or Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI) as it applies to regulated substance special provision to this item-contract. Approach markings for bridge supports, refuge islands, median islands, toll plaza islands, and raised channelization islands shall consist of a tapered line or lines extending from the center line or the lane line to a point 1 to 2 feet to the right-hand side, or to both sides, of the approach end of the obstruction (see, For roadways having a posted or statutory speed limit of 45 mph or greater, the taper length of the tapered line markings should be computed by the formula L = WS.