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Research shows that satisfied and happy staffs provide better quality care and contribute to greater quality of life for the residents in skilled nursing centers. Build a site and generate income from purchases, subscriptions, and courses. Providers | Accrediting Organizations | Quality Improvement Organizations | HHS Employees/Contractors | Advocacy Groups | Educators/Authors/Researchers, Select here for public access to the Training Catalog, Select here for instructions on how to access Targeted COVID-19 Training for Nursing Homes, Seleccione aqu para obtener instrucciones para acceder Capacitacin en COVID-19 para asilos de ancianos. endobj Get 250 free signature invites. endobj Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Even after that, videotapes can be ordered. Whenever your quick attention is required, signNow has will assist you with that. %PDF-1.6 % Gero Nurse Prep can help address all four quality initiatives set forth by the AHCA/NCAL, based on CMS quality indicators. Increase document workflow transparency with the Audit Trail. https qsep cms gov providersandothers signupstep1 aspx. Save time by replicating content in clicks and focus on more important tasks. 0 Turn existing documents into templates that you can reuse as a Health Facilities Surveyor as many times as you need. Just For LTC RNs The Spring Gero Nurse Prep Sale is On! Gero Nurse Prep remains steadfast in assisting skilled nursing care centers in continuing to improve the quality of care provided to elders. There are no hoops to jump through - just select your provider type to launch the courses and begin learning. 5 0 obj The training is conducted live initially . Heres how you can eSign a document on iPhone: The signNow mobile app lets you do everything from your device that you can do in the web-based version and even more. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. Send the executed paper or save it on your device. This training will aid you in prioritizing resident and staff health during the COVID-19 pandemic. 8 0 obj The program features a tailored course that incorporates the most recent lessons learned from nursing homes and teaches frontline staff best . <>>> Targeted COVID-19 Training for Nursing Homes, Capacitacin en COVID-19 para asilos de ancianos, CMS Targeted COVID-19 Training for Nursing Homes Information, Instrucciones para Capacitacin en COVID-19 para asilos de ancianos. 1 0 obj services for frail, elderly and disabled Americans. This process might get even more burdensome when your jobs involve issues that need to be addressed here and now. Our members provide essential care to approximately one million individuals in 11,000 AHCA/NCAL Gerontological Nurse Certification Prep Course