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A minor scale definition: am I missing something? The other type of Remove the two screws at the bottom. Your hands, a vent cleaning tool like this dryer cleaning brush from Whirlpool brand and a vacuum with a hose can work in tandem to get the inside of your dryers vent clean. The author of this site has no liability for errors, omissions, or any defects whatsoever in the information or instructions, or for any damage or injury resulting from the utilization of said information or instructions. Appliance Fault Code Helps Tips and Tricks, Mfr. I took a picture of the model number on my refrigerator, and the app identified it right away Very convenient. Hold the dryer drum in place and remove the front panel of your dryer. Get help to move the dryer back into place, then run the dryer on empty for 10-15 minutes to remove any excess dust from the system. Locate the two screws at the inside top of the cabinet. All rights reserved. To do this, open the door and there are 2 hidden clips between the top panel and the front panel. - Clever Jeff. What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? Item added to the compare list, you can find it at the end of this page. Learn How to Tumble Dry. email once verification is done. Balance the front panel and drum as best you can as you remove the two bottom screws that you have just loosened. You must pull up slightly to disengage it from the clip and push down slightly to reinstall the front onto the clip. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. To remove the dryers top, lift out the lint trap and, underneath it, unscrew the screws that secure the dryers top. 6. You're visiting the PartSelect site in U.S. Would you like to shop on the Canadian site? With access to the dryer belt, idler pulley, gas valve, and other parts, you can accomplish many repairs. Was Aristarchus the first to propose heliocentrism? Does the 500-table limit still apply to the latest version of Cassandra? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. by Don Vandervort, HomeTips 1997 to 2023. Remove the two screws that secure the front panel to the . Inglis, Whirlpool and Kenmore electric element changing procedures. The heater-can extends above the case so it is hard to access this This shows how to take apart a General Electric (GE) dryer, which is very similar to certain models of Whirlpool and Samsung. Next, remove the three screws on the top panel near the control panel. What Is Tumble Dry? Should you need to upload, just click the Import your copy of this document link in the form. Do not remove them just yet. I pulled a little too hard and broke the plastic on the back side of the trim panel (the part that houses the touch panel) where it screws into the control panel. This style of dryer also has a rear access panel, you can see the operating thermostats, heat element connections from this point. Fuses are simple to replace. clothes dryers with the lint trap in the door. Next, remove the three screws securing the toe panel to the front of the washer (Fig. Once the lower panel is off, you should be able to see 2 screws on the bottom corners of the door panel, loosen these 2 screws off a couple of turns but do not remove them.