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Right-click on the TNT block with the water bucket in your hand. First, place the obsidian block on the ground. It is also very useful for destroying underwater structures or killing underwater mobs. Learn how TNT can be changed to underwater TNT so that you can explode TNT underwater in Minecraft Education Edition. create an Underwater Torch. What Education Do You Need to Be a Counselor? It can't be naturally obtained due to it being an element. What Education Do You Need to Be an Animator? -1 block of redstone How to make Underwater tnt in minecraft bedrock education edition. How to make Magnesium Nitrate (Compound) Other Elements Here are some of the other elements available in the Chemistry Update: Unknown Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Oxygen Fluorine Neon Sodium Magnesium Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorine Argon Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt Partial -TNT Blast resistance If you mix sodium and tnt you get underwater tnt : r/Minecraft - Reddit Surround the TNT by blocks with low blast resistance, or dig a one-block hole in the ground and place the TNT inside, so that no sides of the block, except the top side, touch water. TNT. Materials needed to make TNT explode underwater. Underwater TNT blocks can be activated the same way as a normal TNT block. You need school account only if you need to take a class with many people. Issues relating to "Underwater TNT" are maintained on the bug tracker. Minecraft players will either need to have the Minecraft Education Edition downloaded or the Education features enabled on Bedrock, which can be found in the world settings. To make underwater TNT, you will need: -TNT. It's a perfect way to avoid accidental explosions, but underwater TNT is unavoidable. The underwater TNT will explode either in the air or underwater, but still not in lava. Place the two substances on the right and left rows of the crafting grid. might in With the thing called Minecraft Education Edition, you and your students can make experience based on the Minecraft recipes. For more Minecraft content, check out our Facebook page! Have you ever wanted to make underwater TNT in Minecraft? Underwater TNT can be crafted with one block of TNT and one Sodium, which is denoted by the number 11 and the letters "Na". This is done by placing a block of TNT underwater and detonating it with redstone. You can also use Sodium Hypochlorite and water to create bleach and Sodium Acetate to create ice bombs.