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15 Home Remedies For Dengue Fever - STYLECRAZE As a result, the PDSA warns that a person who receives a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia should notify the doctor of any new supplements they have been taking. Therefore, the extra calories lead to a healthy weight gain. (2007). But does cow milk really help to increase platelets? Goat milk has less lactose than cow milk, making it a better option for people with mild lactose sensitivities. Why This Works. There are some foods and drinks that can negatively affect platelet counts. One study found that red wine was able to reduce the number of circulating platelets by up to 20%. DOI: Todisco M, et al. What are the side effects of drinking too much goat milk? Usually, babies are given goat milk as the first source of protein after breastfeeding. A recent study found that 1 in 4 babies who were allergic to cows milk could drink goat milk without issue. In the books of Ayurveda, goat milk helps in recovering fast from dengue fever as the milk is light and easy to digest. Many traditional healers do suggest that goat milk may be beneficial to people infected with dengue. Steaming or microwaving foods may be the best way to preserve the vitamin C content. Thunhorst RL, Beltz TG, Johnson AK. This type of fat is quickly converted to energy and isnt stored as body fat. But this does not happen in the case of goat milk. They bind together when damage to blood vessels occurs, like when you get a cut. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This can be beneficial in a number of ways. The PDSA mentions chlorella as a potential supplement for those with a low platelet count. Keep reading for tips on how to naturally raise your platelet count. It is a physical reaction to one or more of the proteins within the milk. Xu XF, Hu JP, Cheng X, Yu GJ, Luo F, Zhang GS, Yang N, Shen P. Effects of sodium ferrous chlorophyll treatment on anemia of hemodialysis patients and relevant biochemical parameters. Goat Milk increase Platelets Many people wonder if goat milk increases their platelet count. National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. A cup of wheatgrass and a teaspoon of lemon juice can help to increase your blood platelet count. Additionally, she is well-versed in biostatistics and proficient in statistical tools such as SPSS and STATA. : In Dengue Fever, dehydration and deficiency of selenium are prominent features. Another benefit of goat milk is the high amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A is great for fighting many forms of cancer and it can also prevent you from developing cataracts.