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These patterns look like lace wrapped around the stone, which is how the lace part of its name came to be. Usually, crystal shops and jewelry shops have contacts of wholesale dealers. You will also need a lighter or a match and a fire-safe bowl to catch the ashes or light the loose leaves. This crystal is also strongly associated with the throat chakra, given its connection to the color blue. Also, it can be worn in the form of jewelry. There are many types of this stone. Do not leave it for more than 3 hours, to keep the stone from breaking or fading. Agates name is derived from the site of its discovery, the river Achates (now Dirillo) in southwest Sicily. Benefits And Healing Properties Of Blue Apatite. Interestingly, Askinosie adds, the richer the hue of your blue lace agate, the deeper it was mined, with lighter hues being mined closer to the surface. Heart pendants made of this beautiful gem are growing in popularity because of their beautiful appeal. It is said to help shy people with communication problems in overcoming their shortcomings. Yes, blue lace agate is associated with the throat chakra. Blue Lace Agate will clear away the toxic vibrations that certain people, places, and events leave behind in your auric field. Wearing a necklace of these beautiful delicate blue stones will help support your Throat chakra and bring it back into balance and harmony with the rest of your chakras. It belongs to the quartz family and is a type of banded chalcedony. Blue Lace Agate is a stone that will guide you towards the path of spiritual enlightenment. Caution: While moonlight is great, refrain from recharging your stone under sunlight. Can Agate Be In The Sun? (Blue Lace, Moss, Iris And More) Be careful with raw agates and geodes, as these will break in saltwater. Visual cleansing: Visualize a bright light absorbing all the negative energy of the stone. Easy Ways to Use Blue Lace Agate | Conscious Items Our emotional well-being and mental outlook have far greater an effect on our physical health than we might realize, and vice versa.