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If it is already enabled, executing this command will disable it. The No Step Back DLC introduced the railway gun which has a line limit of 5[8] military factories and the floating harbor which has a line limit of 5[9] dockyards. Use the mod "Easy Buff." One of the cheats is to add buildings. Each nation can use a percentage of the resources on its territory for military production. Civilian factories important not only for building but also trading. Do they also build mil bases/? Each item can have up to 15 civilian factories building it. Www videoen has shown it, just not the actual conversion. The base cost is 1[20] civilian factory per license involving 1936 technology or earlier (pre-1936) technology. For each of the remaining factories the penalty increases by -10% because they need two additional steel, the last one getting a -100% penalty. on the left you should see a list of the contruction build queue. In-Game Equivalent. This command has the same function as the above command, it is an alias. This represents a shortfall of at most 166.6 factory-days of output relative to a factory running at cap for the same period. Should you build infrastructure first? forum:1567238. This adds 5 forts to a specific province in State 209. Generally not worth it. Scan this QR code to download the app now. One of the National focus trees has research to give you military factories/infrastructure and civilian factories. Actions. The only way this command can be executed (other than aliases). Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. 209 = { add_building_construction = { type = bunker province = 11392 level = 5 } } State Types. instantconstruction. This is your new production efficiency. I do, however, know that it takes some time to do so. Change Trade Law to keep more domestic production. Infrastructure is just a bonus at that point. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. but I'm not entirely sure. First, determine the bonus efficiency by multiplying the retention modifier and the efficiency loss. If by military bases you mean military factories, then yes. I don't understand how those got in even as placeholder values. there is another menu for the civilian factories, which are used to build structures. Does it work for every nation, or just the player who typed it in? There are five (5) levels of infrastructue; building all of them will give a +100% bonus to the extracted resources total. There are three types of factories: Civilian factories: Used for construction (including repair), trade, consumer goods, and Intelligence agencies and their upgrades. For example, when having 2 units of steel and 0 units of aluminum available and adding a new production line for Support Equipment (needs 2 steel, 1 aluminum) with 11 factories, the first factory receives a penalty of -5% because it misses one unit of aluminum. All of these can potentially be increased by industry technology, research, and national focuses. This penalty stacks multiplicatively with other modifiers. How many civilian factories should I build? : r/hoi4