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Zuko is the last surviving male member of the original Team Avatar. [24] He became more patient, kind, precise, and calculating; said traits necessary to evade Azula's pursuit while staying incognito from local authorities. He thinks of Uncle a lot. [18] Zuko stepped down from his position as Fire Lord in 167 AG and became an ambassador of peace, relinquishing the throne to his daughter, Izumi.[8][19][10]. However, when being informed of the Earth Kingdom's impending attack, he begrudgingly admitted to himself that his father was right and prepared himself to go to war again. In ", In the pilot episode, it is shown that Zuko was originally supposed to have a pet hawk, but it did not make it into the show. Since Avatar the Last Airbenderfirst aired in 2005, the character of Prince Zuko has been analyzed again and again over the years, and his story arc has been marked as one of the best and well-written redemption arcs in TV history. [77] He also retained a certain penchant for being the source of awkward moments when conversing with others, as evidenced by reactions to his revelation to Chiefs Tonraq, Desna, and Eska that he had once hired a combustionbending assassin to kill Aang when en route to P'Li's prison cell. His final attack was a fire tornado he created with his feet while spinning, knocking Azula off her feet. Additionally, he is the second youngest known person to become the ruler of a state, the first being Earth King Kuei. He believed that he could start anew and "gallivant" around the world helping people, as Azula remarked, much to Aang's dissatisfaction; he believed that Zuko must stay as the leader of his nation to continue ushering a new era of love and peace. Zuko successfully used his uncle's lightning redirection technique twice, against his father and his sister. Meanwhile, Aang learns that Sokka and the fisherman are trapped in the storm; he rescues them, earning him the fisherman's respect. At the palace, Ty Lee discovered a passageway where Azula was hiding. When Gow, a ruthless Earth Kingdom mercenary, and his men bullied Lee's family, Zuko defended the family that had taken him in. Iroh presented him with the Crown Prince headpiece, an ancient royal artifact, traditionally worn by the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation and given to Roku by Sozin in their youth. Zuko faced one of the most significant decisions of his life in the season 2 finale and broke fans' hearts when he opted to side with Azula by attacking the Avatar, betraying Iroh in the process. Todoroki's bifurcated appearance actually compliments the duality of his Quirk, but he also has a drastic scar on his face that's also very identifiable.