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08:03 EDT 14 Nov 2010. Golightly seems like a girl on the make, a sophisticated New Yorker with her sights set on a rich husband. Crazy Credits Curtis was keen, but the producers werent. Her trademark look, all sculpted hair, cigarette holder and picture hats, was the antithesis of the hippie dshabill that came into fashion as the 1960s progressed. Here are 10 classic movies that are so great, Hollywood would never dare remake them. Both the initial director and scriptwriter were thrown off the movie. Audrey quietly removed her elbows and put her hands in her lap. | It was to be a key moment: Holly Golightly, sitting on the fire-escape and strumming a guitar as Paul listened from his open window above. The lyric in the title song Moon River references "my huckleberry friend". But years of smoking can put you at a higher risk for diseases like lung cancer, so doctors recommend lung cancer screening options for former or current heavy smokers. Hadnt the great film director Billy Wilder once said that Audrey Hepburn, singlehanded, may make bosoms a thing of the past? But theres still a tender kind of truth to its sentimentality, and a heartsore vulnerability to Hepburns little-girl-lost performance that cuts through the cliche of that very description. It attracted all kinds of patrons, including (reportedly) the Rockefellers. Titanicis one of the most epic films of all time, and we can't imagine it being altered in any way that could possibly add to the movie. Connections (No surprise there: during the making of Love In The Afternoon, her puritanical husband had once walked out on Audrey just for using the word s*** when she spilled something on her dress.). By Despite its critical and commercial success, Breakfast at Tiffanys has been criticised for Mickey Rooneys yellow face portrayal of Mr Yunioshi in the decades since. The Greyhound Bus Company is still transporting passengers in 2023, to and from New York City, and elsewhere. George Peppard was allegedly hard to get along with on the "Breakfast at Tiffany's" set. But he wanted Marilyn Monroe that sweet, dear baby to be the star; after all, she had something touchingly simple about her and would be perfect as Holly. It marked the end of a brief, intoxicating phase in which women had been offered a new vision of themselves, only to discover it was mostly cosmetic.