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I dont believe that Rome hosts millions of English-speaking tourists every year just because its historic and beautiful (though it is). Roman Holiday - Wikipedia On the way there, however, at Paramounts request, Peck stopped in Paris to do an interview. Does the order of validations and MAC with clear text matter? The agent: You cant do that. Peck: Oh, yes I can. Instead, I think, she would spend time where the locals do. While it wasnt a destination in the film, the bakery La Renella has a rustic design that feels as if it could have been. InRoman Holiday,the classic actress plays Princess Anne, a member of an undisclosed European royal family. I hope if you havent checked out the film that you give it a watch! Blacklisted director Bernard Vorhaus worked on the film as an assistant director under a pseudonym.[3][4]. If you haven't seen it, it's easily summarized. Though humor is very subjective and some people might not be a fan of physical comedy, I personally like it. When she is left alone she secretly leaves her bedroom and country's embassy to witness city life. Princess Anne Gets Candid Ahead of King Charles' Coronation: 'You Know The adventure of Audrey Hepburn's Princess Ann (whose country of origin is never mentioned) is said to have been inspired by the real-life rebellious romance of Britain's Princess Margaret, younger sister of Queen Elizabeth. The longest and widest staircase in Europe at Piazza di Spagna, offers one of the most unique views of Rome. In 1953, Roman Holiday was a film of firsts: It was the first American film not only to be shot exclusively in the city, but in Italy, and it was Audrey Hepburns first major role (which resulted in her first Oscar win). In short a Martian. As one can imagine, my expectations were high. [23] It earned an estimated $3 million at the United States and Canadian box office during its first few months of release. With my dress off, its most unusual. She warms up to Joe Bradley, however, when he offers to show her around Rome. Now with gelato on my mind (and not restricted by a vegan diet) I set out for a sweet treat. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. If youre headed to Rome, be sure to add these princess approved sites to your sightseeing list! that shows you heaven by the true way: (Spain was no kingdom in 1953) However, in the movie it is mentioned, that Ann is part of one of Europes' longest reigning royal families.