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She said: N***** out here explaining how theyre laid up on a boat with another mans wife BUT cant explain why they cant spend time with their daughter. Old girl was smarter than that, though. Do you think Carmelo actually invited his alleged daughter to the game? ]); cat: 'arts-culture', NTQ4Nzc5OGMwYzk3MjEyNDJlOTliYjRmYmM2Njg4ZGIzN2RiNDBkNjhmMWEz "In all honesty, my daughter is good," Mia Burks said in response to those who scolded Carmelo Anthony for being an inactive father. It wasn't until 2021 that La La Anthony officially filed for divorce. You can catch her outside enjoying nature and classical literature. Although Jacobs and Burk are no longer friends, she defended her by claiming that her intention was not to destroy Carmelo's family. She also shares stories on Medium that are meant to encourage thought and discussion. } env: 'prod', Chicago socialite and personal assistant Anthony Jacobs claimed that he knew the truth behind Carmelo's mistress, Burk. Kids/ Toddlers; Hats; Electronics; Board Games; Mugs/ Cups; Seller feedback (3,597) l***4 (21) - Feedback left by buyer l***4 (21). Carmelo shares a son with Lala. However, it seemed that all was good between them by 2015. Explore What team had the best over/under record last year? Yzk4MzgzOGY0YTg1MTZjNTY1NjNhM2E5ZTIyNWQ5ZDk5OGFkZDcxMmU5ZGQz MDZlOWFmN2U5NDZlOGNmY2IzYzk4MGYxOTYxMDYwNmIxM2EyNjRhOTUzZWU3 Privacy Policy NGRlNjhhYTkyOTVhNTVlODhkODJiY2YxN2IzNjgxNDQ5ZTRiZDg1YmUzMTBk As a young child, she was involved in many activities, but music was her main interest. Her son has had surgery and remains in a London hospital. NeitherCarmelonorLala Anthonyhas issued a public comment on the matter. NTViNmNkOTRmMmNlYmE2NzA5M2I2YjhlZTE5ZmNlOGUzYjAyYjAzODZjM2Uz page_type: 'article', YTk1ZjNlOGE5NTkyZGE0ZWViMmQyMDdjYWY2NjIxYTM5MGJmOGEwNzZhYWNh where does Carmelo Anthony live. It looks like Carmelo Anthony finally confirmed that he is the father of Mia Burks daughter. page_type: 'article', They talked almost every day and the two eventually hung out and later started hooking up. It was bad because there was a complaint.