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2021 Mesa, Arizona: USA. Furries donated over a million dollars to charities in is a site dedicated to listing all furry conventions around the world. According to The Billfold, a complete fursuit can cost $3000 or more. Pew Research Center Not everyone has a fursuit, and those who dont have perfect fursuits are treated with the same welcoming spirit as everyone else. Search FurryCons While it's impossible to know the size of the furry fandom, CNN estimated in 2018 that it was about a million people. furries Coronavirus has been a major disruption for 2020s many cons Anthrocon, which draws nearly ten thousand furries to Philadelphia, was one of dozens of cons cancelled this year. Only 35 percent of furries identify as exclusively or predominantly heterosexual compared to an estimated 90 percent of the general population and 2 percent of furries identify as transgender, a rate much higher than comparable fandoms. They discovered between 10-15% of Furries have been diagnosed or self-identify as being on the autism spectrum. I'm not a furry, and I once held erroneous views of furries, too. Reporting on what you care about. She said only "about 20 to 25 per cent of furries have fur suits", some of which cost thousands of dollars and are custom-made. And creating a complete fursuit is a spendy venture. "What's fascinating to me is you have all those collections of marginalised identities and people are thriving," she said. There in the corner, a group of merry furfolk playing cards, cheerily if inadvertently echoing Dogs Playing Poker.. Wake up to the day's most important news. Demographically, the furry community isnt too different from the fantasy and science fiction fandom communities from which it is an outgrowth. The furry community helps out our friendly neighborhood critters. I have seen dog bowls and giant straws used to feed furries at a restaurant, but this was an inside joke between a small local business and Anthroconan annual furry convention held in Pittsburgh which brings millions of dollars to the local economy and raises thousands of dollars for animal-related charities. The furry community is a sanctuary for the LGBTQ community. Furries Set The Record Straight: There's Nothing To Be Afraid Of. People still have a long way to go before they can treat furry as what it is, just something to do for fun, like a model train enthusiast or a comic book fan.