Michael O'dell Obituary, Danmachi Hestia Death, Articles H

(At other sites, the claim is the 1990 or 2000 CENSUS) I just posted a link with results to the 1995 Census Statistical Abstract of the United States, upon which Beaton claims the statistics resides, and as proven by the Census document itself, there is NO SUCH NUMBER, only the number of living active duty vets during Vietnam. What Medals Can A Vietnam Era Veteran Wear? - CLJ That guy, the real Ranger told me, got killed on D-Day. There is no more to be said. Dennehy later gave a public apology. Yandle said he was at the infamous 1968 siege at Khe Sanh, surrounded and attacked for 77 days. Like many people who had never served in the military -- a growing number in this country, given that the draft ended on June 30, 1973 -- Whitley had only a vague and disconnected notion of a war in Southeast Asia that was tearing the nation apart when she was growing up. Projections also indicate that the veteran population will become slightly younger, with 33% of veterans being younger than 50 in 2046 compared with 27% in 2021, even as the overall U.S. population continues to age. At Pointe du Hoc., As you might imagine, I almost fell out of my chair. Too good to be true! How many fake Vietnam veterans are there? "Lots of people think I'm obsessed, but I'm not," he says, shortly before rushing off to the Xerox machine to make copies of a sheaf of military records. Richard Blumenthal Not the First Public Official to Misstate Military ", Finally, after years of scrambling for money, Burkett's group got their memorial. address this in a comment rather than a new post so not to annoy those of you None were real. Service Members, Not Citizens: Meet The Veterans Who Have Been - NPR In 1999, Donald R. Nicholson, the police chief of Amelia, Missouri, in the 1980s, admitted that he had lied about being a Vietnam veteran and a prisoner of war to obtain better veterans benefits. STOLEN VALOR: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of Its - VHPA an ex-Marine who survived combat during two tours of Vietnam, a record he used as a motivational tool.