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If the family chooses to include a Kriah ceremony, then additional time may be added on for prayers and the tearing of garments. Typically, viewings are drop-in events thatlast for several hours, but the amount of time a person will spend at the viewing to see the body and pay their respects is likely to be closer to 10 to 20 minutes. The main difference is the interment might be in a church garden, memorial garden or memorial wall. The same preparations are made as far as getting the body ready such as embalming. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. It may be a standalone funeral service. This link will open in a new window. The ritual itself is about 20 minutes long and is done from memory. Masons spend many months learning this service which consists of over ten pages of dialogue which has to be read word for word. The ritual team consists of the person reciting the ritual, a chaplain and a marshall. In even rarer cases, funeral services will last longer than an hour. WebA proper Masonic service can bring comfort to the family. It is definitely not THE most important, but an important ritual, nonetheless. Section 19: How To Conduct A Masonic Memorial Service Loss is hard. For example, you can choose a casket made of hardwood or metal, vary the color of the liner or personalize the outside of the casket with an image that meant something to the deceased. These options may depend upon your location or faith. Although the Worshipful Master should be made aware of the passing of a Brother, the responsibility is typically delegated to the Secretary, the Chaplain, or the chairman of your funeral committee. Hey, I'm James, the founder of After Your Time. Youll also need to pay for these services at the cemetery as well just as you paid for the casket and burial plot. I had the pleasure of calling him Brother, as he raised me to the sublime degree of Master Mason many years ago. form. Military funeral honors and the committal service Sally is a prolific non-fiction and fiction writer, who has appeared in multiple print and digital publications. In Florida, for example, it is customary to wear a dark suit and tie; a tuxedo is not considered appropriate, nor are dungarees and shorts. masonic memorial service