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-- I lost my military dependent I.D. My Military OneSource App Install Skip to content. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rob V. is the founder of ID Card Office Locator & Appointments Find a RAPIDS ID Card Office Therefore, youll need to upgrade to the next generation Uniformed Services (USID) card in order to appreciate the same benefits. Therefore, the first and easiest method for a military ID card renewal is online via the RAPIDS system. Meanwhile, those that are entitled to a retainer pay or veterans with a 100% disability rating are eligible. How do I get an ID card for a former dependent now using TRICARE Young Adult? The service member is the sponsor and will sign and submit the form. RAPIDS offices are located on military bases, at National Guard armories and at reserve training locations. Also eligible are members on the Temporary Disability Retired List and the Permanent Disability Retired List, retired reserve (not yet drawing military retirement pay), Medal of Honor recipients, 100% disabled veterans, former members in receipt of retired pay, eligible foreign military, Transitional Health Care recipients, full-time paid personnel of the United Service Organizations and Red Cross when serving outside the United States, United Seamens Service personnel when serving outside the United States, officers and crews of Military Sealift Command vessels deployed to foreign countries, Select Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve personnel and retired DOD civilian employees. What if I need help with the DD Form 1172-2? Additional information and assistance is available at these DOD websites: Link:, Link: * Some of the sites we link to may limit the number of stories you can access without a paid subscription. Use this tool if you need to: Call 1-800-538-9522 for help using the appointment scheduler. Service members should also report missing CACs to their chain of command. Military dependents may apply for a new military ID via the RAPIDS online system. Unmarried former spouses who meet the20/20/15rule have the same documentation requirements as 20/20/20 spouses, but the period of overlap is at least 15 years but less than 20 years. Both the online portal and RAPIDS sites also manage renewals for military dependents. A: If you have a CAC, you can correct or update your Primary Personnel Email address in DEERS and on your CAC certificates by signing in to the ID Card Office (IDCO) Online application with your CAC. The USID card contains relevant information such as the included military benefits (TRICARE, etc). You should return your ID toany office that issues military IDsif, for any reason, you are no longer listed in DEERS as a dependent of the sponsor. Expired ID cards should also be returned to an issuing office. A uniformed service ID card, or USID, is issued to military family members and military retirees to access service benefits and privileges. Therefore, if that is the case, youll need to complete a military ID card renewal. USID cards are typically used by retired military members, reservists, and military dependents. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): Provide a record of Identification cards issued and Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) enrollment to ensure positive identification of personnel. How to Replace a Dependent ID Card After the Retiree Dies A Veteran ID Card (VIC) gives you access to discounts for veterans.