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2. Many smartphones and other smart devices contain cameras or GPS tracking that can be .. If your stalker has downloaded spyware on to your computer or phone that allows them to track your keystrokes then they will be able to see any new email and password you set up, so set up the new account using a computer you know your stalker has not had access to, and only access it from these clean computers. Alarming Effects of Children's Exposure to Domestic Violence, The Unexpected Gifts Inside Borderline Personality, Why Sound Is So Important in Horror Movies, The 5 Types of People Who Withdraw From Social Life, Cooling Brain Inflammation Naturally with Food, Services for People Withdrawing From Antidepressants, How Therapists Use the Self During Therapy. But if you arent personally experiencing gang stalking, its hard for an outsider, much less a psychiatrist, to accept it as anything other than a textbook example of paranoia. It's simply martial law. Communication Blocks are used to obtain information of course, while doing financial or social damage. Organized Gang Stalking is old fashioned vigilante gang stalking by political groups, religious groups and sects, and then, police, fire personel the inherently corrupt Infragard, and community organizations that are working together from the hidden and cowardly Fusion Centers to terrorize you, personally. Why do I feel and see so much? Gang Stalking: This is used on gang stalkers in training. Dangers of intense neediness in romantic or close relationships. Methamphetamine and Targeted Individuals : r/Gangstalking - Reddit They can also use the technology to implant thoughts and memories, and even personalities in the brains of those targeted by the surveillance. For this study, the data were collected in three different languages: English, Chinese, and Spanish. While gangstalking was not a new concept, the concept has been gaining widespread acceptance since the Womens Civil Rights Movement. GPS tracking also helps minimize fuel costs as fleet managers can observe the fuel being used by a vehicle when idling or speeding, and also can maneuver through shorter routes to manage well the fuel in use. However, that report states that stalkers used electronic monitoring in 1 out of 13 instances, and that about a third of victims reported their stalker showing up wherever the victim went. Many experts estimate the practice of keeping tabs on a victims location has only increased since the DOJ release their report.