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Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Learn more. The hillstream loach (Sewellia lineolata) originates from Vietnam and is found in fast-flowing rivers and streams in Quang Nam, Laos, Binh Dinh, Thua Thien-Hue, and Quang Ngai. Catfish are often described as being nocturnal creatures; in other words, they are most active at nighttime. This small, peaceful fish not only adds a unique element to any aquarium but also serves as an effective natural algae control. Although they come from tropical waters they need high o2 so are best kept in cooler tanks. However, they cannot survive by eating algae only, so make sure to feed them a wide variety of high-quality foods, such as Repashy gel food, sinking wafers, frozen spirulina brine shrimp, and blanched vegetables. Substandard water quality and infected wounds are common causes of fungal infections.To treat a hillstream loach with a fungal infection, add one tablespoon of fish salt for every gallon of water in the tank, or visit your local fish store for antifungal treatment.Habitat and Tank RequirementsHillstream loaches are accustomed to fast-flowing freshwater environments. Getting the tanks parameters right will ensure your hillstream loach can thrive in your home aquarium.Tank ConditionsA freshwater tank of at least 50 gallons is required for a hillstream loach. Borneo Sucker 3cm "Delivered to your door in Australia'' - LiveFish hillstream loach for sale | eBay There are of course exceptions to this general rule, as some species of catfish occupy the mid to surface water areas of an aquarium, such as the Glass Catfishes and the Upside-down Catfish. Hillstream Loaches will live for between 6-8 years. Hillstream Loach (Sewellia lineolata): Ultimate Care Guide We think the hillstream loach is a very beautiful fish. Hillstream Loach: Ultimate Guide (Care, Diet, Breeding & More) Being small in size allows hillstream loaches to scavenge foods in crevices between rocks and plants on the riverbed. To treat a hillstream loach with a fungal infection, add one tablespoon of fish salt for every gallon of water in the tank, or visit your local fish store for antifungal treatment. Were huge fans of this fish because of their unique appearance and easygoing temperament. There are a number of ways you can accomplish this, but the best is by using a powerhead to create a consistent and adjustable current. Also, their oxygen and water flow requirements mean its simply not possible to provide them with the conditions they need in a small tank. Feed the fry when they hatch.