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Rodeo Clown, Project Management Associate, Consumer Safety Officer. Plano is a prosperous city with a low crime rate, and the PPD is proud to be part of it. Police officer salary in Houston, TX - Indeed The SAPD has been recognized as one of the best police departments in the country for its commitment to diversity and community policing initiatives. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, police officers in Nevada earn an average yearly pay of $75,590, with an average hourly wage of $36.34. For vested members, early retirement is possible if they retire before completing 20 years of service. We have identified ten cities in Texas where the average wage for the position of Police Officer is higher than the statewide average. Special Agents investigate crimes and gather evidence. Other than that, the age limit is set at 21. The average hourly wage in Washington is $38.78. They must have excellent leadership skills and be able to communicate with other members of the department. $110,247 per year. Seattle even agreed to pay its officers an extra 2% for wearing body cameras. The job duties of a police captain include leading and supervising a team of police officers, investigating crimes, and responding to emergencies. The best police jobs in Texas vary depending on what you are looking for in a career. The average hourly wage in Hawaii is $39.17. | 2023 Full Business Model, 15 Highest Paid Money Markets in Massachusetts | 2023, Top 20 Most Influential People in Iowa | Social Media Handles 2023, 15 Highest Paid School Districts in Oregon | 2023 Reviews. The City of Austin is the 11th largest city in the United States and has a population of over 950,000 residents. eBay Seller Fees, Pharrell Williams Net Worth | 2023 Updated, How to Sell at a Farmers Market in 2023 | Ultimate Guide, How to Sell a Car in Washington State in 7 Simple Steps, How To Sell Digital Art in 2023 | 5 Step-by-Step Guide, How To Sell Dogecoin On Robinhood in 2023, How to Sell Beanie Babies Successfully for Extra Money in 2023 | 7 Easy Tips, 15 Highest Paid Nurse Agencies in Oklahoma | 2023 Ranking, Top 20 Most Influential People in Maine in 2023 | Social Media Handles, 15 Highest Paid Lawyers in Mississippi | 2023, 20 Most Influential People in Kansas | Social Media Handles 2023, 15 Highest Paid Labor Jobs in Texas | 2023 Reviews, How Does OfferUp Make Money?